As believers in Christ, we have not only the human life inherited from our parents but also the divine life which we received through regeneration; now we need to practice giving the Lord the ground to fill us with life so that we may minister His life in our service. The Lord Jesus came so […]
Giving Christ the Ground to Fill us with Life for us to Minister Life in our Service
Not Quenching the Spirit but Fanning our Spirit into Flame to Serve God with Divine Fire

If we love God, offer ourselves to God, and are willing to forsake everything for God, placing ourselves in His hand in order to be broken, He as the divine fire will be burning in us to motivate us and energize us to serve Him by fanning our spirit into flame. The history of the […]
Offering Ourselves to God for His Fire to Burn in us and Motivate us for His Service

All the service that we as believers in Christ offer to God should be based on the fire that comes from God; we need to be those who are offering ourselves to God for His fire to burn in us and energize us to serve Him. In the Old Testament all the service of the priests […]
Cooperating with the Inner Operating and Motivating God by Outwardly Serving Him

What is the service that is from God? What is the service that we can offer to God and is according to God’s desire, has God as its source, and is pleasing to God? The service that is from God takes God (and not ourselves) as the source, and it is by the Spirit of […]
All our Service in the Church must be Initiated by God According to His Desire

In serving God we need to take Him as the source of all our service: God has to be the originator, initiator, operator, motivator, and source of our service; our service should be initiated by God. As believers in Christ we are sons of Abraham, who is the father of faith; like our father, we […]
We Serve God in Worship by Preaching the Gospel of God’s Son in our Mingled Spirit

All the requirements related to the believers – as revealed in the New Testament – are met by Christ living in us; in order for us to live the Christian life and serve God in our spirit in the gospel of His Son, we need to daily receive the divine supply. There is no way […]
Serving God is Worshipping God – our God must be Living to us in our Daily Life

There are many children of God who desire to serve the Lord but they do it in a wrong way, not according to the divine revelation in the Bible; they may not be wrong in their doctrine or heart for the Lord, but they are wrong in their way of serving God. We need to […]