My first words each morning are, Lord Jesus, I love You! regardless of my feelings. Then, I pray read the verses and read the portion in the morning revival. Then, I pray in a general way – and also in some specific ways. One day of the week’s Morning Revival always stands out strongly, so […]
Regardless of my Feelings, Each Morning I say, Lord Jesus, I Love You!
In our Fellowship with God we See that Christ will be Brought forth and Sin is Judged

In Genesis 18 we see that God came in the form of a man to visit Abraham His friend, and they had a good time together. Abraham fed his guests, brought them into the tent in the shade, and took care of them. In their conversation we cannot see any trace of Abraham fearing God […]
Living in Intimate Fellowship with God Today to be the Friend of God as Abraham was

After passing through a long process, Abraham was prepared and qualified to be the friend of God, one who lives in intimate fellowship with God and one to whom God opens what is on His heart for him to intercede (see Gen. 18). God has something in heart to do and He needs a friend […]
Entering Into the Highest Intimacy with God to Be In the Light and See His Mysteries

Noah found grace in the sight of Jehovah, and he was entrusted by Him to build an ark for his salvation and the salvation of his family. Everything about the ark is very significant: the dimensions, the number of stories it had, the window, the door, the materials (wood, pitch), etc. For instance, the length […]
being romantic Christians by loving the Lord personally and affectionately

The Bible is a book of romance, and both the Old Testament and the New Testament are written as espousal covenants. God loves man and courts man, and He desires to have man espoused to Him to be His counterpart. We can see this in every book of the Bible, especially in the prophets and […]
the picture of the tabernacle shows us that God is enterable: we can enter into God!
Before Christ came, God could only dwell among men, but after the process Christ passed through, by receiving Christ and experiencing Him as all the furnishing of the tabernacle, we can enter into God! The way we enter into God is by having all our problems solved (at the bronze altar) and by being washed to become the new creation (at the laver) – these qualify us to enter into the incarnated God (signified by the tabernacle). We enter further into God by enjoying Christ as our daily supply (at the showbread table), the light of life (at the lampstand), and at the incense altar being accepted by God and having intimate fellowship with God! [continue reading online]
we need to pass through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the river Jordan – for the new creation!
There is a story in the Old Testament about Elijah the prophet and his disciple/continuation, Elisha. In 2 Kings 2:1-15, we see that Elijah was about to be raptured, so he told Elisha to stay in that place where they were because God called him to go to Gilgal. Elisha said, “As Jehovah lives and […]