When we drink of Christ as the living water, this will become in us a fountain of water springing up into eternal life, into the New Jerusalem; only by drinking the living water can we be satisfied and never disappointed! Our God has passed through a process to become a life-giving Spirit as the living […]
Drinking the Living Water to be Satisfied Uniquely with God and become the New Jerusalem
God’s Economy in Faith (Crucial Point of Truth 1 in 1 Timothy)

This week we come to the book of 1 Timothy, and the very first crucial point of truth in this book is God’s economy in faith (as seen in 1 Tim. 1:3-4). One of the first items that Paul speaks of in his first epistle to Timothy is God’s economy in faith, to which he […]
Seeing the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God and daily Receiving God’s Dispensing

From the beginning of the world the purpose of creation was a mystery hidden in God, but in the New Testament God has revealed the economy of the mystery to His believers, showing us that His intention is to gain the church, His corporate expression. Everything in the universe exists for a purpose, because God, […]
The Triune God is Dispensing Himself into His People to gain His Corporate Expression

When the glory of God filled the tabernacle and the cloud descended upon the tent of meeting in Exo. 40, God has finally obtained a dwelling place on earth among His people for His corporate expression; the Triune God is dispensing Himself into His people to make them His corporate expression, His house, His dwelling […]
Eternal Life is the Triune God Dispensed into us to be our Life and to Live in us

Life is mysterious because life is God Himself. Our human life is mysterious and we are not able to fully understand it. How much more the life of God? If we can barely grasp what our human life is about, what about the eternal life? Throughout the Bible we see many people who have experienced […]
What is the Purpose of God’s Creation of Man in His Image and with a Spirit?

Have you ever wondered, What is God’s purpose in creating man? God is a God of purpose, and nothing He does is accidental or as a reaction to what others do, taking God by surprise. Why did God create man? Some Christians say that God created man because “God wanted to have fellowship with man”, […]
God wants to dispense Himself into us – it is so easy to receive Him! (2011 winter school of truth)
This Winter School I also enjoyed the matter of having a personal time with the Lord because if we don’t have a daily, intimate, personal time with Him, we will quickly slip back into our old worldly ways. Therefore, it is especially important to maybe just get up 10 minutes earlier or maybe in the morning when walking to school to pray to Him, confess our sins, and tell the Lord that we love Him. Although this may sometimes seem like “a chore” to us, eventually we will enjoy it so much that we look forward to spending this time with Him! [sharing by a young brother who recently attended the winter school of truth in London, UK]