Prophesying in the church meetings, i.e. speaking for God and speaking forth God into one another, fulfills the greatest prophecy in the Bible (Matt. 16:18). What constitutes prophesying is not eloquence of speech or brilliance of wit — it is the speaking forth of God Himself into others, which issues in the building up of […]
Pray-reading the Word of God, Applying it, and desiring Earnestly to Prophesy
Regardless of my Feelings, Each Morning I say, Lord Jesus, I Love You!

My first words each morning are, Lord Jesus, I love You! regardless of my feelings. Then, I pray read the verses and read the portion in the morning revival. Then, I pray in a general way – and also in some specific ways. One day of the week’s Morning Revival always stands out strongly, so […]
Receiving God’s Word in the Morning by Exercising our whole being to Pray-read!

2 Peter 1:3-4, “Seeing that His divine power has granted to us all things which relate to life and godliness, through the full knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and virtue, Through which He has granted to us precious and exceedingly great promises that through these you might become partakers […]
Coming to the Lord in His Word to make Direct Contact with Jesus in the Morning

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in my experience and from more mature brothers regarding our morning time with the Lord is that in this time our emotions are really of no consequence. If we come to the Lord expecting to feel a particular way then we have missed the mark. We have […]
Having a Personal Time and a Corporate Time of Enjoying the Lord in the Morning
I’m Still Learning to Contact the Lord and Enjoy Him in His Word in the Morning

My practice of the morning revival time with the Lord is something I’m still learning and even more struggling with. First, I’ve set a specific time and I try stick to it. At this time, I seek a quiet and secluded place to be alone with the Lord, to look into His eyes, to listen […]
Being Soaked and Saturated with the Lord, and being Joined to the Flow of Life

Previously I normally wake up 5:00am call on the LORD for at least 15 minutes, then get into the morning revival that my local church or brothers decided for us to enjoy. But I realized fifteen minutes calling on the Lord is not enough for me. So for about a year now I normally wake 3:00am to call […]