In our experience we all have to admit that many times Christ is captive to us, and we “defeat Christ” by living in our natural man, in our flesh, and guided by our self. We may not have problems with sin or with the world, but the question is, Who is Whose Captive? This is why we all need to pray, Lord, make me Your captive – never let me win! Defeat me all the time! The Lord doesn’t need “spiritual giants” but He needs little captives, those who have been defeated by Christ and who are subdued by Him. We need to cooperate with the Lord’s defeating work by praying in such a way, so that He may have a gateway to enter in and defeat us all the time. [continue reading online]
being the captives of Christ in His triumphal procession scattering His fragrance
being a laboring farmer and an unashamed workman cutting straight the word of truth
The word of God is like a grain of wheat – it dispenses God as life into us to nourish us. Also, the Word of God is like a fire and a hammer to purify us and break down our self, our natural life, our flesh, our lusts, and even our concepts (see Jer. 23:28-29). As laboring farmers, we diligently and patiently minister the Word of God to people for their growth in the divine life. In all our contact with the saints, we should be pure and have only one motive – ministering Christ to them so that they might grow in life in the Lord (1 Tim. 5:1-2). [continue reading online]
being a good soldier of Christ Jesus and an athlete contending in the games
In Rev. 18:13 we see that the cargo of the material Babylon is gold and the souls of men. Babylon deals in the souls of men – even today, men sell their soul to their occupation and they neglect God and His eternal destiny. We need to have a job, we need to earn a living, and we need to take care of all the practical aspects of our human life, but we should not sell our soul to Satan! Our soul was created to enjoy God and express God, and we fight for God’s interest on the earth one in soul with all the saints! [continue reading online]
the recovery of living a life of the altar and the tent in the church life today
When God appears to us, when we see Him face to face, something of God is being transfused into us – His element is now transfused into our being. Once this transfusion takes place, there’s something going on in us – the element of God is being infused into every part of our being! Before God appeared to us, we did not have faith or we did not even think of God and His purpose; but when He appeared to us, we have His element transfused into us and infused into every part of our inner being… Slowly, this element saturates us so that we cannot help it but believe! This is faith: the element of God transfused into use, infused into us, and saturating us! [read more online]
we need to receive God’s call, come together, seek Him, and be Gideon’s army (WST 2011)
We today need to blow the trumpet of the gospel to the other young people around us! Our pitchers (our love of ourselves, our “face”) need to be shattered so that we are no longer bound by worrying about what others think about us, but bold to speak in the name of the Lord. Finally, we need to hold up our “torches” which represent our testimony before the ones we speak to. We are luminaries in the world shining out as children of God (Phil. 2:15). [read more a short sharing from a serving brother from the USA concerning his impression and enjoyment in the last winter school of truth]
we are the generation the Lord wants to use to bring Him back! (2011 winter school)
During this Winter School of Truth I really enjoyed touching the matter of the Spirit and the preaching of the gospel. This generation – our generation – is the generation the Lord wants to use to bring Him back. We have to say, “Lord, use me!” What’s holding me back? It’s NOW and it’s US! We must be willing to be used by God and we NEED to be stepping stones for His move. We have to allow Him to use us as His dispensational instrument that He may speak through us… Young people, do you know why you’re placed in your schools? Well, we are placed at different schools by the Lord so that we could be shining luminaries, shining forth the gospel to our friends! We are the ones who are able to speak to our friends! [read more online this short sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]
It is time to rise up and say, Lord Jesus, Step On Me! Use me! (2011 winter school of truth)
We need to rise up and say: “Lord, step on me!” This is our opportunity! We should go, bear fruit and speak about the Lord. What are we waiting for? We’re here to express God! Jesus wants our consecration so we have to be determined and exercise our spirit. The church needs our function. Every day we have a new beginning, each sunrise brings new opportunities and new possibilities. Sometimes we just need little turn to our spirit. We are different than the people in the world – we have a better life because Christ is our life! We have to trust God because at every step the Midianites want to attack us – they’re waiting all the time and everywhere to destroy what God made in us, and to destroy the place which Lord gained in us. [sharing by a sister from Poland from her impression in the 2011 Winter School of Truth]