Many Christians read the Bible and they find a lot of things in the Bible. But have you ever wondered or have you ever asked the Lord in your time with Him in the Word, Lord, what is the governing vision in the Bible? Lord, what is the kernel of the divine revelation in the word of God?
There are a lot of things in the Bible, and there are many Christians who emphasize different practices or doctrines seen in the Bible.
But have we ever seen that the governing vision of the Bible is the Triune God working Himself into His chosen and redeemed people to be their life and life supply in order to saturate their entire being with the Divine Trinity?
If we carefully read the Bible we will see again and again that the Triune God is working, operating, moving, and doing all kinds of things so that He may work Himself into His people to be their life, life supply, and everything to them for their enjoyment!
Out of this enjoyment and inward saturation with God there’s an expression: God is glorified and expressed!
Lord, cause us to see the governing vision of the Bible! Lord, may this vision be our vision, governing our life and our reading and interpretation of the Bible!
The Governing Vision of the Bible
If you were to ask any believer today what is the governing vision of the Bible, he may tell either that he doesn’t know or he may tell you many things.
What do we see in the Bible? All throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament we see that God desires to dispense Himself into His people that they may enjoy Him and be filled with Him to express Him.
- In Psa. 36:8-9 we see the Father as the fountain of life and light, the Son as the fatness of God’s house, and the Spirit as the river of God’s pleasures coming to us to be our life, joy, pleasures, and satisfaction.
- In Matt. 28:19 we see that the goal of the preaching of the gospel is to bring people into the Triune God by baptizing them into the name of the Father and the Son and the Spirit.
- In 2 Cor. 13:14 we are being blessed with the Divine Trinity: the love of God and the grace of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with us for our enjoyment.
- In Eph. 4:4-6 we see that there’s one Lord, one Spirit, and one God and Father – the Triune God is mingled with man to produce the one Body which has one faith and one baptism with one hope.
- In Eph. 3:14-19 we see how the Father is the source, the Son is making His home in us, and the Spirit strengthens us with power into our inner man, so that there may be a full expression of the Triune God.
- In Rev. 1:4-5 we see that the Father was, is, and is coming, the Son is the faithful Witness, and the Spirit has been intensified sevenfold for the producing of the overcomers in the churches.
- The consummation of this governing vision of the Bible is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:1-2), the consummate mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man, where man and God are completely one! Wow, what a vision!

Again and again we see how the Triune God works together to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity into man to be man’s life, life supply, and everything, so that man may be built up into a corporate expression for the Triune God.
The Kernel of the Divine Revelation
Most Christians see something superficial and shallow, but they don’t see God’s intention to work Himself into us.
Many believers see that there is a God and that He created us, that we became fallen, and that out of love for us God sent His Son to die for us on the cross and redeem us back to Himself.
Also, after the Lord died and resurrected, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and lead us to repentance, cause us believe in Him, and receive Him.
Once we receive the Lord, “we have a ticket to heaven”, and now all we have to do is to read the Bible, do what it says, and teach the believers to glorify God in their daily living.
Most Christians believe mainly this, and their hope is that when the Lord returns they will go with Him and live forever with Him in the heaven!
All these are in the Bible, but they are not the kernel of the divine revelation in God’s word. They are the leaves, the shell, within which there’s a kernel, the essence.
The kernel of the divine revelation is that God created man and He redeemed man for the purpose of working Himself into man to be man’s life and everything.
We need to see such a complete vision, a governing vision, so that our Christian life and experience with our concept of worshiping God would be regulated by this!
When we see that the Triune God did, does, and is doing all things for the purpose of dispensing Himself into man, we will be revolutionized! The church and the Body of Christ today are the result of such a dispensing!
This needs to become a vision to us that govern our daily life and our preaching of the gospel and teaching of the truth.
When we speak to others about the Lord, we need to inwardly pray and be one with the Lord to cooperate with Him to not just impart some Bible knowledge to listeners but minister God as life and as life-supply into those who listen!
Do We See This Vision?
The governing vision of the Bible needs to become our vision. Col. 3:4 says that Christ is our life. Christ is becoming us, since our life is our very being. Christ is everything – and we are nothing!
If we still have some kind of natural kindness and joy, we don’t have Christ as our kindness and joy. We need to really learn to take Christ as our life and our everything, so that He may become us and we may become Him.
When Christ is our everything, we are the same way with the saints in the meeting, with our family at home, and with our workmates at the office. We need to ask ourselves,
Lord, is this an intrinsic principle in my being? Lord, do I see this governing and controlling vision?
Lord, empty me and unload me that I may see this. May the governing vision of the Bible become my vision. Lord, I want to cooperate with You that my mind may be changed and I would be constituted with this principle. Lord, cause us to see Your dispensing! Work Yourself into us more today, and constitute us with this principle!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from portions in, Life-study of Exodus (msg. 44), and, Elders’ Training, Book 2: The Vision of the Lord’s Recovery (ch. 13), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery, week 1 (entitled, Knowing the Work of God—the Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery).
- Buy this morning revival book online via Living Stream Ministry.
- Hymns on this topic:
# From my spirit within flows a fountain of life— / The Triune God flowing in me; / God the Father’s the source, Christ the Son is the course, / And the Spirit imparts life to me.
# The divine dispensing starts with the Father. / He selected us ‘ere the world began. / Predestinated to be His sons / Through His rich life dispensing.
# It is our destiny, / To live a normal life in the divine dispensing, / It is a blessing, / To be satisfied with ordinary days / in the divine dispensing. - Picture credit: Waking up at Latham Springs ( by a friend), and by another friend on facebook.
Psalm 36:8-9 reveals the Divine Trinity in His divine dispensing as the enjoyment of God’s people in His house. The fatness refers to Christ, the Son; the river of the divine pleasures, to the Spirit as the river of water of life (John 7:37-39; Rev. 22:1); and the fountain of life and light (Psa. 36:9), to the Father as the source of life and light (John 1:4; 1 John 1:5; Rev. 21:23; 22:1-2, 5). These verses indicate that the entire Bible was written according to the controlling vision that the Triune God is working Himself into His chosen and redeemed people to be their life and life supply in order to saturate their entire being with the Divine Trinity, that is, with the Father as the fountain, the Son as the fatness, and the Spirit as the river. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 3161)
Glory glory glory to the Father! Glory glory glory to the Son! Glory glory glory to the Spirit! Glory to the Three-in-One!!!
Yes I realy enjoy it and this is where the lord want to bring us