If we see that the Body is one with the Head in the heavens, we as the church will exercise the authority of the Head to bind and loose what has already been bound and loosed in the heavens. This is because in our daily living we realise we are members of the Body of […]
The Body is one with the Head, so we have the Authority to Bind and Loose in Prayer
Seeing the Meaning of Christ’s Ascension and the Position and Authority of the Church

For us to enter into the prayer of the age, we need a heavenly vision to see the meaning of Christ’s ascension, see the position and authority of the church as the Body of Christ. By the Lord’s grace and mercy, may many saints in the church life in the Lord’s recovery have the reality […]
The Church is an Organism, so we all are being Perfected to Function in the Body

The practice of the God-ordained way to meet and serve comes out of our seeing that the church is an organism as a mingling of God and man, produced by the Triune God in his Divine Trinity. We thank and praise the Lord for showing us the light and revelation regarding the scriptural way to […]
The Lord Desires to Recover the Organic Building up of the Body of Christ

May the Lord recovery us back to practicing the scriptural way to meet and serve, which is able to develop the organic ability and function of the members of Christ for the organic building up of the Body of Christ. The church is the Body of Christ; the Body of Christ is not merely an […]
Rejecting any Traditional Way and taking the Scriptural Way to Meet by Living in Spirit

For the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to practice the scriptural way to meet and to serve, and we need to give up and forsake any traditional way in Christianity which may still influence us. First of all, we need to realize that we are the Body of Christ, and together […]
Practicing the Scriptural Way to Meet and Serve to Build up the Church Practically

Without practicing the Scriptural way to meet and serve – the way that is shown in the New Testament – the Lord’s words concerning the building up of the church cannot be fulfilled. For the building up of the Body of Christ, we believers in Christ all need to practice the Scriptural way to meet […]
The Church as the Body of Christ is the Corporate Christ, the Body-Christ

The church as the Body of Christ is the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ, and all believers in Christ are members of the Body of Christ, that is, all believers are members of Christ. First of all, the expression “the Body of Christ” is not an allegory or a type, but it is what it says […]