According to Ezek. 36:26, for the inward recovery of His people God gives them a new heart and a new spirit; in His organic salvation God revives us, renews our heart, and gives us a heart to love Him, and He gives us a new spirit to receive and contact Him. On the negative side, as […]
The Lord Gives us a New Heart to Love Him, a Soft and Pure Heart that Loves Him
God is Inwardly Recovering us on Behalf of His Name by Cleansing us with His Blood

The Lord is inwardly recovering us, His people (see Ezek. 35-36), and for this inward recovery, He acts on behalf of His holy name, and He applies His judicial redemption to them for their being cleansed with the precious blood of Christ. Before He can inwardly recover us, however, He pronounces and carries out His […]
Experiencing the Outpouring of the Spirit and Being Stirred in our Spirit
![Experiencing the Outpouring of the Spirit and Being Stirred in our Spirit [in the picture: Joel 2:28-29]](
In relation to the revival and restoration aspired for by all believers and unbelievers alike, there are many aspects and prayers all throughout the Minor Prophets. One of the most famous yet misinterpreted one is Joel 2:28-29, where God promises to pour out His Spirit upon all His people and revive them. Every day we […]
Having a Living Touch with the Lord to be Revived and Live the Revival
![Having a Living Touch with the Lord to be Revived and Live the Revival [in the picture: John 11:25]](
Every living thing in the universe desires to be revived and restored, and the entire creation groans and travails in pain together until now, eagerly awaiting to be freed from the slavery of corruption (see Rom. 8:20-22). Since Adam fell and brought the entire old creation into the fall, there has been in all of […]
Let Us Return to the Lord: He will Enliven us, Bind us up, and Restore us!
![Let Us Return to the Lord: He will Enliven us, Bind us up, and Restore us! [based on Hosea 6:1-2]](
The aspiration for revival and restoration can be seen everywhere in the Bible, and especially in the Minor Prophets. On the one hand, Habakkuk prayed for revival (Hab. 3:2); on the other hand, Hosea speaks of, Let us return to Jehovah… on the third day He will raise us up and we will live in […]
whenever we as God’s people exalt Christ there will be restoration and revival!
After we are saved, we daily call on the name of the Lord and we daily learn to give Him the first place in all things. We as regenerated people need to come together in the meetings of the church and exalt Christ by our singing, our praising, our praying, and even our shouting, Praise the Lord! We shouldn’t be silent – we need to exalt Christ by declaring, Oh, Lord Jesus, You are right now at the right hand of God – we exalt You! We give You the preeminence in our church life, our family life, our work life, our personal life, and in everything! We exalt You Lord Jesus! [continue reading online]