We need to flee youthful lusts and pursue Christ with those who call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart; we all should be those who call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart today. Amen! As believers in Christ, we want to be a vessel unto […]
Genuine Seekers of God Call on the Name of the Lord to be Saved and Enjoy His Riches
Our Regeneration and Calling on the Name of the Lord are a Miraculous Normality

Regeneration is the greatest miracle, yet it takes place in a normal way, a miraculous normality in our Christian life; similarly, calling on the name of the Lord is a normality, yet miraculously, when we call we get the totality of the Triune God. Hallelujah! May we be those who live a life of […]
Exercise our spirit to Absorb the Riches of Christ into whom we’re Grafted Contrary to Nature

As believers in Christ, we are branches of Christ, those grafted into Him as the cultivated olive tree to enjoy Him as the life-giving Spirit by denying the self to absorb the riches of Christ. Hallelujah! The types and figures in the Old Testament show us a picture of what we the New Testament […]
As we Breathe in the Lord, His Spirit comes in to Enliven us and Form us as His Army

In Ezek. 37 God told the prophet to prophesy His word over the dead bones, and then the wind, the breath, and the Spirit came; we need to exercise to prophesy God’s word, breathe in the Lord, and allow God to breathe out His word and His Spirit for His purpose to be fulfilled. A […]
In His Ascension Christ was Exalted by God and was Given the Highest Name: Lord Jesus!

As believers in Christ, we have been raised together with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenlies (Col. 3:1). This means that we were not only crucified together with Christ (Gal. 2:20) and raised together with Christ in His resurrection to be regenerated by God with His divine life (1 Pet. 1:3), but we […]
Experiencing Christ Day-by-Day as Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption

It is of God that all the born again Christians are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification (holiness) and redemption (glory) (see 1 Cor. 1:30). All the believers in Christ are part of the church, and God’s purpose for the church is first that it would have […]
Enjoying and Experiencing God as the Eternal One by Calling on the Name of the Lord

Our God is one, yet He is the Triune God. He is one, yet He has many names depending on our experience and enjoyment of Him. He is called Jehovah in His relationship with man, in coming to be with man and caring for man, especially in the Old Testament. He is the Most High […]