Have a Revived Living to Live an Overcoming Life and Contact People to Care for them

 As believers in Christ, we need to have a revived living to live an overcoming life and contact people to care for them in love. In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to maintain our victory by having a revived living, a living of being renewed day by day; […]

We Exalt Christ and Praise the Lord, for Spiritual Victory Depends on our Praising!

Praise the Lord, we are learning to exalt Christ, give Him the preeminence, and praise the Lord, for our realization is that spiritual victory depends not on warfare but on our praises! We need to know the vital factors that enabled the people of Israel to be victorious in their first warfare, realizing that they […]

Christ has already Won the Battle, and the Church Maintains Christ’s Victory on earth

The Lord Jesus has already won the battle – He has won the victory, and now our work as the church on earth is to maintain Christ’s victory. Hallelujah, the victory has been won, and we can apply it, stand in it, proclaim it, and make it real to the enemy wherever we are and […]