we are becoming the house of His beauty by receiving His daily dispensing in His Word

How wonderful – God is beautified in His church, and the church is the house of His beauty! By putting Himself into us as the Spirit and the word, Christ becomes our beauty, brightness, and splendor! When we get into the Word of God, as Eph 5:26-27 says, we are being washed, cleansed, purified, and […]

Christ is the sure mercies shown to David and also the covenant; He is the covenanted mercies!

In His economy, God desires to be the fountain of living waters for His people to drink and be filled with! He is the source, the fountain, of the water of life – and He calls us all to come and drink! So wonderful! As the living waters, Christ is also the sure mercies shown to […]

we need to enjoy our God as living water, even as the waters – come to Him to drink and flow!

God’s desire is this – that we may come to Him and drink of Him as the fountain of living waters! Even at the end of a long feast, when supposedly the people who were feasting would be full and satisfied, Christ stood out and cried in John 7:37-38, Now on the last day, the […]

Keeping the Sabbath and Fasting – two precious things in the book of Isaiah – are our experience today!

There are many precious things hidden in the book of Isaiah, and two of these things are the keeping of the Sabbath and fasting. Many people don’t really want to talk about the Sabbath or fasting since these matters have been spoiled by God’s enemy, Satan. Even such precious things as the keeping of the […]

The proof of our justification is the resurrected Christ – now Christ is our righteousness!

Due to man’s fall, he was cast out of the presence of God. God is Holy and God is Righteous – He cannot have fellowship or communication with the sinful man unless man is justified before Him and restored to his original condition. A little over 2000 years ago there was a man called Jesus […]

we are being freely justified by faith in Jesus Christ through His redemption on the cross

We all have read the verses in Rom. 3:23-24 which say, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified frely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. In God’s economy He wants to dispense Himself into man as his life and everything so that He […]

In His ascension in His heavenly ministry Christ constitutes the new creation for the New Jerusalem!

God’s original intention was not just to have the creation of the universe and the creation of man – He was looking for something more. This is why He put man in front of the tree of life – God does not just want MAN, but He wants man to receive Him as life, be filled with Him as life, and live Him out as his life! But God had to wait for at least 2000 years until He could enter man – the old creation, of which Adam was the head, was without God until the Lord Jesus came! Actually, the old creation is OLD because God, who is NEW, is not in it! When we are born as human beings, no matter how good or spiritual our parents or our family is, we are born in the old creation, without having the divine life and nature. We can receive the divine life and the divine nature ONLY by believing into the Lord Jesus Christ and thus being regenerated by the Spirit! This is the way to become “a new creation” – no longer just the old creation but a new creation that has God in it! The new creation is actually the old creation transformed by the divine life, by the processed Triune God! Hallelujah, as believers we have God in us – and we are a new creation! 2 Cor. 5:17 clearly says this,