As believers in Christ, we need to fan our spirit into flame so that we may exercise ourselves unto godliness; may we be those who exercise our spirit to live Christ in our daily life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. Amen! This week we have been enjoying […]
To Exercise our Spirit to Live Christ in our Daily Life is to Exercise unto Godliness
Deny the self and Apply the Killing Power of the Cross to our Natural Disposition under the Lord’s Shining

The Spirit is operating in us and around us to deal with our outer man, our self, our natural disposition, by the killing element of the cross in the compound Spirit, by the discipline of the Holy Spirit, by the shining of Christ as the Spirit, and by the church life, fruit-bearing, and lamb-feeding. May […]
We Open to the Lord, Love Him, and Let Him Work in us to Live the God-man life in us

How wonderful it is when we open to the Lord, learn to love Him, and let Him work in us to live the God-man life in us daily! Our Christian life is not a life of doing things for the Lord but rather loving Him, opening to Him, allowing Him to work in us, and […]
Living Christ Habitually by Letting Him Live in us and having One Living with Him

We all need to humble ourselves and realise that in our daily living there is not much living of Christ, for even though we have Christ in our spirit, we are not living Christ habitually in our daily life. We may love the Lord, read and pray over His word, meet with the saints, and […]
Giving Christ the Ground to Fill us with Life for us to Minister Life in our Service

As believers in Christ, we have not only the human life inherited from our parents but also the divine life which we received through regeneration; now we need to practice giving the Lord the ground to fill us with life so that we may minister His life in our service. The Lord Jesus came so […]
Our Service in the Church should Minister Life to Others to Supply them with Life

Our service for the building up of the church is a life-ministering service, a service that ministers life to the saints. We have seen that we need to serve God by knowing the age, by realizing the way Christ fulfills His economy, by seeing the world situation as the indicator of the Lord’s move, and […]
Christ Shepherds us by Being our Life and by Living in us; He Guides us into His Flock

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and He shepherds us by feeding us with Himself and in Himself as the pasture (see John 10:9-10). There are other shepherds, that’s true, but the Lord is the good Shepherd. He takes an all-inclusive tender care of His believers as His sheep. On the cross He tore […]