Serving the Lord as a Slave and Shepherding the Saints by Visiting them in their Homes

The apostle Paul was a pattern to the elders in Ephesus – a pattern of what the elders should be to the church to shepherd them, serving the Lord as a slave. When we hear or read about the need to shepherd others according to God, we may think that this is something so high […]

Being Patterns by Living in Spirit, being Filled in Spirit, and Speaking God’s Economy

It is so encouraging to see the pattern of the apostle Paul in shepherding the saints, in particular to see that he was living in spirit and by the Spirit, he was filled with the Spirit and clothed with the Spirit, he exercised to have a good conscience, he rejoiced in the Lord and he […]

The Patterns of the Flock are Vessels of Christ and Men of Prayer Serving the Saints

We need to shepherd the flock of God by being patterns of the flock, that is, by following the pattern of those who are before us and by being a pattern to others in our living. The apostle Paul, as a pattern to all the believers the members of the Body of Christ, lived Christ […]

The Enjoyment of Christ Solves All the Problems in the Church Life through the Cross

In learning to shepherd one another according to God we need to enjoy Christ and bring one another into the enjoyment of Christ, for the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ solves the problems in the church through the work of the cross. First, we must see God’s desire, His good pleasure, which is to dispense […]

Learning to Shepherd others according to God’s Desire out of Love for the Lord Jesus

This week in our prayerful consideration of propagating Christ we come to the matter of, Shepherding the Flock of God according to God by Being Patterns of the Flock, and today in particular we want to see what it means to shepherd according to God’s desire. The Christ we propagate is not only the incarnated […]

Feasting on Christ as the Unleavened Bread to live a Sinless and Pure Church Life

Our entire Christian life is a feast – we are enjoying Christ as our unleavened bread, Christ as the sinless life supply for us to have a pure church life to express Christ corporately. Praise the Lord, he has become our feast – he lived a sinless life by eating the father and living because […]

Feasting on Christ as our Sinless Life Supply and Dealing with the Manifested Sins

After the feast of the Passover there was the feast of Unleavened Bread, which signifies Christ as our enjoyment as a our sinless life supply for us to live a sinless life as a duplication of His life. The Passover was strictly just one day, the fourteenth day of the first month, but right after […]