Because he was separated from his brothers in the principle of a Nazarite, Joseph was blessed above his brothers by his father Jacob (see Gen. 49:22-26). In his prophesying with blessing concerning each of his twelve sons, Jacob uttered a great prophecy with blessing concerning Jacob, which is actually the universal blessing of the Triune God […]
We’re Enjoying the Universal Blessing of the Triune God as Joint Heirs with Christ
Experience the Resurrected Christ and Speak Beautiful Words until We Possess the Earth

I never thought that this one chapter in the Bible – Genesis 49 – is full of such a rich blessing and is so meaningful to our Christian life and church life, when viewed from the perspective of God’s eternal economy. In this chapter we see Jacob who, at the end of his life, prophesies […]
Enjoying Christ as the Rich Provision of Life: He is the Secret of our Sufficiency

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning each of his sons applies both to the history and experience of the twelve tribes of Israel and to our Christian experience in the church today. We all start in a low and sinful way, as dead in sins and offenses, living in the lusts of our flesh (Reuben) and having […]
Gad: Recovery with Victory and Fighting for the Saints’ Full Enjoyment of Christ

While leaning on the top of his staff in his old age, Jacob blessed and prophesied over each one of his twelve sons. His life was brighter and brighter until the full day (Prov. 4:18), and even when he was old and full of days he was clear in his prophesying with blessing concerning each […]
Being Warned and Saved from the Apostasy of Dan by Repentance, Fellowship, and Blending

In the zenith of his life, Jacob prophesied with blessing over each of his sons; his prophecies can and should be applied not only to the twelve tribes of Israel but to the church and to our Christian experience today. Whether negative or positive, whether warnings or blessings, Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning his sons […]
Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing Concerning Issachar potrays the Church Life Today

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning each of his sons is very significant, being fulfilled both in their life as tribes in Israel and in our spiritual experience today in the church as the real Israel of God. When he spoke of Judah, Jacob likened him to a lion who is victorious, gets the prey and […]
We’re Ships Sailing out with the Gospel through Prayer, the Spirit, and the Word

Jacob’s twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel, and Israel is a type of the church composed of all the believers in Christ; therefore, Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning his sons applies not only physically to the twelve tribes of Israel but also spiritually to the church, the real Israel of God. In Jacob’s […]