Praise is the highest work that can be carried out by God’s children! The Christian life soars through praises! Even in prison and in stocks in Acts 16, Paul and Silas were praising the Lord – their spirits were soaring! We need to learn to take the important step from “praising God when we’re in the mood” to transcending everything by praising God! We should not set our eyes on our circumstances but on the Wonderful Christ – and praise will be rising in our being! Lord, I don’t know what to do in this situation, but my eyes are set on You! [continue reading this portion inspired from the last message in the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2) by brother Ron Kangas]
offering the consummate praise to God for the recovery of Christ, the house, the city, and the earth
at His second return Christ will recover the earth and solve all the problems of humanity!
There are so many problems in this world – there are many vices, the political system is very unhealthy, there are many contradictions in the human institutions, the future looks gloomy… The more people consider this situation, the more they are confused – and the more problems come! How can someone survive in the next generation? There is food shortage, there’s much injustice, the prisons are full with people, there are crisis between nations, cultures, races, religions, etc … What should our attitude be as Christians, as believers in Christ? Hallelujah, God has prepared a solution for all these problems! It is not through our doing something today outwardly, but it is at the Lord’s second return that all these problems will be solved! [continue reading this portion inspired from brother Andrew Yu’s sharing in the Crystallization Study of Psalms (2)]
Lord, cause the desire of Your heart to become the desire of my heart! Make me an overcomer!
We are not yet overcomers – Paul could say only at the end of his life that he is ready to receive the crown – but we can receive from the Lord an aspiration to be an overcomer, and we can pray for the Lord to produce us as overcomers! The overcomers are for the building up of the Body of Christ! They don’t overcome only in their personal life matters such as their temper, the besetting sin, etc – they meet the Lord’s need to be the ones who are willing to be produced by the Lord as the sevenfold intensified Spirit, who give themselves for the building up of the Body of Christ as the reality in the churches! [sharing inspired from message 9 give by brother Ron Kangas in the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]
we need to turn to our spirit and let Jesus work in us! (2011 winter school of truth)
My life often is “divided in two” – in school I usually live by my soul and at the meetings or when I am spending time with Lord, I live by my spirit. This kind of living is not what Christ wants to have in us. He really wants to have a stepping stone – a people that will concentrate their all beings on Him. The Lord chose us – we cannot lose this chance – we have to turn to our spirit all the time – live by our spirit – and let Jesus work in us! Then we will surely be able to say, It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me! This is so amazing! [continue reading this sharing from a young brother – his topmost enjoyment from the Winter School of Truth]
seeing the highest revelation of Christ and willingly consecrating ourselves to Him
Today we can cooperate with Chirst in His heavenly ministry, as He is on His way to victory, by being the young men who offer themselves willingly in the day of His warfare, in the splendor of their consecration (Psa. 110:3). Our willing consecration is our consent, our surrender to the Lord – our whole life and our whole being is for His economy and for His recovery! When we offer ourselves willingly to the Lord, in His eyes we are beautified with a divine heavenly splendor. O, the joy of having nothing, seeing nothing, and caring for nothing but God’s interest here on earth! [continue reading a portion inspired from message 6 in the Crystallization Study of Psalms(2)]
we need to take heed to how we drink – being the Gideons of today (2011 winter school of truth)
The first time I consecrated myself and my future (specifically my education, my career, my going to the full-time training) to the Lord was at the age of 15. I was told that I need to renew my consecration everyday by the serving brother who spoke the message regarding consecration. As time passed, somehow l slacked. It’s so good a young brother (O.M.) initiated this declaration/consecration. This prayer and declaration is still resounding in my being daily since 30th Dec 2011: Lord, I am willing to be used by You. Make me Your stepping stone. Do not pass me by. [sharing from a serving sister from her enjoyment in the recent winter school of truth]
the desire of God’s heart is set on Zion with Christ – will you be an overcomer?

The key to becoming an overcomer is to give the Lord the preeminence, the first and best love! Loving the Lord, eating the Lord, and being His testimony (see Rev. 2) go together – this is the key to being an overcomer! We are not the super-giants spiritually (Rev. 3:8), but we have little power and don’t deny His name! It is out of the mouths of babes and sucklings that God has established praise (Psa. 8). Will You be an overcomer? AMEN! Will YOU make this choice? AMEN! Lord, make me an overcomer! [continue reading this sharing inspired from message 3 in the recent training on the Psalms]