The Lord Jesus was made a little lower than the angels in His incarnation – in the sense of being in the flesh. Positionally, He was still the Son of God, but in the flesh, He was made a little lower than the angels. This implies His incarnation. In His incarnation, God became a man […]
You have made Him a little lower than angels and have crowned Him with glory and honor
what is mortal man, that the Lord remembers him, and the son of man, that He visits him?
In Psalms 8 David looked at the heavens and saw the work of God’s fingers – even in the dark night of this world, if you look at the heavens you see the moon and the stars! God created and ordained the moon and the stars to shine even in the darkness – when we […]
“You are My Son; today I have begotten You” – Christ was begotten to be the Firstborn Son of God!
According to Psalm 2:7-9, in His resurrection, Christ was begotten by God to be His Son who inherits all the nations and possessess the whole earth! These verses are crucial in our Christian life, since they prophesy about a great truth concerning Christ’s divinity, His humanity, and God’s economy as revealed in the second Psalm, […]
Christ’s two becomings: Christ became flesh in incarnation and He became the Spirit in His resurrection
Through our faith in Christ we receive Christ into us as a living Person! This is the most precious result of our believing into the Lord – we get Christ, a living Person, to come into us and live in us! On the one hand, Christ is in the heavens at the right hand of […]
experiencing the indwelling Christ – our Christ today is the Spirit in our spirit indwelling us!
When the Lord Jesus was on the earth with the disciples, He was outside of them (He was in the flesh), taking care of all their needs. He was very thoughtful of them – He cared for them, spoke to them the words of life, ministered to them, and perfected them. Because He was both […]
a governing principle in the Bible: the two trees with two lines, two flows, and two destinations!
It is so easy to read the Bible and try to understand it through your own perspective and way of seeing things – and especially when we come to the book of Psalms, where there are so many expressions of the sentiments, emotions, and desires of the psalmists… But we need to see that there’s […]
with the Spirit the emphasis is that the Holy Spirit has been compounded to be our bountiful supply!
As we go through the crucial elements of the Bible – which are Christ, the Spirit, life, and the church – we now come to the second element, which is The Spirit. What is the emphasis when we speak about the Spirit? Many believers (and especially the unbelievers) think that the Spirit is a force, […]