What is God’s will for us? How can we be one with His will for us?(conference in Paris May 2011)

Praise the Lord, I was encouraged in the recent conference we had in Paris that our God has His own will! Sometimes we are following our natural concept and thinking and ask ourselves, What’s the will of God for me? What is God’s will for my life? What does God want me to do? The answer is that our God is a God of purpose and His will is first and foremost!

He already had His will before the creation of the earth – before everything existed! He had a desire in his heart – He had a will for Himself. We need to realize that the will of God is first and then we need to see that His will is linked with the things that are happening in our life! If we just follow His will, He will take care of all other things in our life.

But how can we know the will of God? Certainly not by SMS or by e-mail! The will of God is revealed to us through the revelation in Christ! In order for us to know the will of God, we have to know Christ! Hallelujah – The will of God is focused on Christ; Christ is all the will of God (Col. 1:9).

God desires Christ and only Christ – the marvelous Christ, the preeminent One and the all-inclusive One, who is all and in all to us! (Matt. 17:5)

I really enjoyed that the Person of Christ is the only One who can express and satisfy God, and what also touched me is that we can do everything with Him! What marvelous Person! I can do everything with and in Christ! I can fellowship with Him, walk with Him, touch Him, know Him, share everything with Him! Hallelujah! He is the One who deserves to have the first place in everything!

We were created by His will – we are created for Him and we belong to Him. Logically, we should accomplish His will. But God also has an enemy, Satan, which also has a will. God limited Himself by the principle of incarnation – now, He is limited by us and in us.

We have our body – in which we have Satan’s will – and we have our spirit – in which we have God’s will. In the middle, we have our soul – in which we have our own will. So the main question is: Which Will Do We Follow?

Is it the will of God or the will of Satan? We have to know that – because of the fall of Adam – we already have the poison of Satan into us, which results in us almost automatically choosing the will of Satan!

I was encouraged by the fact that we need to be those who are ONE with the will of God and have to HANG ON in an AGGRESSIVE way to the will of God! If we don’t do the things that are in contradiction to His will because we were created to follow God’s will.

Saints, God needs us to cooperate with Him. We are those who are impregnated with His desires, those who have the same thinking and the same heart as Him! We need to pray:

Oh Lord Jesus, I want to be one who aligns my own will with Your will! Lord, I want to have more personal conversations with You to know what’s on Your heart! Teach me how to dwell in Your precious presence every day! Amen! Let us be those who follow the will of our God.

[sharing by sister Monika S. from the recent May 2011 Conference in Paris]

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