We all need to be perfected to function in our measure for the direct building up of the Body of Christ; when all the saints are perfected by the gifted ones, they will do the work of the ministry, and the Body of Christ is built up. We need to be saved from the wrong […]
We are being Perfected to Function for the Direct Building up of the Body of Christ
The Church is an Organism, so we all are being Perfected to Function in the Body

The practice of the God-ordained way to meet and serve comes out of our seeing that the church is an organism as a mingling of God and man, produced by the Triune God in his Divine Trinity. We thank and praise the Lord for showing us the light and revelation regarding the scriptural way to […]
The Mending Ministry is More than Fixing a Hole; it Makes us Suitable for God’s Building

There’s a certain correlation between the occupation of those called by the Lord Jesus to follow Him and their future ministry in the Lord. When the Lord Jesus called Peter and Andrew, they were casting the net into the sea to catch fish (Matt. 4:18-20); Peter’s ministry was to catch men alive, to be a […]
Carrying Out the Stewardship of God by Preaching the Gospel and Dispensing Christ

All believers in Christ have been entrusted by God with a stewardship, which is to minister the riches of Christ into others for the building up of the Body of Christ. When we preach the gospel, we carry out the stewardship of God by contacting sinners where they are and ministering God into them (see […]
God’s Economy has Become the Stewardship of God Given to All the Believers in Christ

There are many aspects to arriving at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. One of these aspects is that we need to carry out the stewardship of God to present every man full-grown in Christ (see Col. 1:24-29). Paul was entrusted by God with a ministry – […]
The Central Line of the Bible – the one unique Body of Christ, the organism of the Triune God!
Praise the Lord for His divine revelation in the Bible! In the Bible, there are many things, but there is a CENTRAL LINE, a central revelation, something so basic and so important that all the believers agree with and believe! In our life and service we need to focus not on the “leaves” or “branches” […]
being perfected into oneness by moving into the Triune God and letting Christ live in us

On the one hand, we have the oneness of the Spirit in our spirit, and we need to be diligent to keep it(Eph. 4:1-4); on the other hand, we need to be perfected into one! This morning I enjoyed the portion in John 17:22-23, where the Lord says, And the glory which You have given […]