May the Lord have mercy on us and give us His heart for man that we may see that the way He wants to gain man, recover man, and rule over man is not by judging or condemning but by watering man! Where the flow of living water is, there is the dominion of the Lord Jesus! People are happy when they drink the living water, and they are happy in the Lord’s kingdom!
Christ is coming to rule over the earth not mainly by judging or condemning but by watering!
all the cases in John represent us: we need Christ!(college age conference sharing)
The recent students conference in Wales overall revived my spirit to a great extent. The Gospel of John starts making sense for me. In a way, we are all the nine cases recorded in John: we are moral, immoral, dying, impotent, thirsty, hungry, bondaged in sin, blind in religion, and ultimately we are dead. I […]
Christ as life meets every man’s need (sharing from the college age conference)
The Gospel of John is a book on life and building. It tackles nine cases of man and how Christ as life meets every man’s need. In this Gospel we see that nothing in this world can satisfy us. We were made as a vessel to contain God. We have to see our true condition […]
Whoever is thirsty, let him come and drink the water of life! Are you thirsty? Come to Christ and drink!
This morning I was impressed with the fact that the Triune God went through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, to become the living water for us to drink! Now He has become our practical salvation to be drunk and enjoyed by us! What shall I give unto the Lord for […]
although we have been positioned to drink of the Spirit, we need to be thirsty for God to drink of Him!
Many times we think that God wants some super-hard-and-complicated things from us to do for Him, and so we feel really powerless…. even to “express God in all that He is” – by and in ourselves – seems so impossible and unattainable! Yet God’s way to accomplish His purpose of having an expression on the […]
God is not angry with His people when they are thirsty and complain about it; rather, He cherishes and nourishes them!

This morning in my time with the Lord I was impressed again about our God – how rich, how fair, how bountiful, how loving, how kind, and how gracious God is! Our God is not angry – He takes care of His people! In Numbers 20 we see that AGAIN the people of Israel murmured […]
take the rod (apply the death of Christ to your situation) and speak to the rock(speak to Christ in faith)!
This week we’re getting into the message entitled, Drawing Water with Rejoicing from the Springs of Salvation – in the Crystallization-study of Isaiah(1). Today I was reminded of the fact that most of the problems and murmurings in the church life are due to the shortage of the Spirit of life. The people of Israel […]