If we are unveiled and enlightened, we will see that we today need to rise up together and take Christ as our person for the new man, for when the new man is perfected, that’s the time for the Lord’s coming, and the perfected new man will be the bride. What the Lord is […]
Being Perfected and Rising up Together to Take Christ as our Person for the New Man
Take Christ as our Person in Making Decisions to have the Living of the New Man

We need to take Christ as our person in making decisions so that our living may be the living of the new man; when Christ becomes our person in our daily living, we live the genuine church life. The Lord Jesus is not only our Savior and Redeemer; He is also our life and […]
Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me
This title is a quote from Isaiah 45:11 where it says, Thus says Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel and the One who formed him. Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me. Everyone who knows God knows that you cannot be haughty or […]
With one mouth we are speaking the same thing as the one new man on the earth today
There are some verses in the New Testament that puzzle or at least trouble most of us when we read them – verses that talk about “speaking the same thing”, “having the same mind”, “being attuned in the same mind and the same opinion”, “speaking with one mouth”, etc. Especially in the age we live […]