As believers in Christ, we have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and now we need to walk in Him; to walk in Christ is to walk according to the spirit and by the Spirit, for the all-inclusive Spirit dwells in our spirit to be our enjoyment today. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival […]
Walk in Christ by Walking according to the Spirit and by the Spirit to Enjoy Grace
Walk by the Spirit and have the Building with God’s Shining to have God’s Leading

For us to have God’s leading, we need to live and walk by the mingled spirit, judging all that the Lord exposes, and we need to have the building up of the Body, for it is in the Body that we can know God’s will and we can be clear about our situation and […]
Under God’s Sovereignty, He Arranges Situations and People to Expose and Terminate the Flesh

We can only worship God for His sovereignty, for under God’s sovereignty He arranges the people and situations around us to test us and be a cross to us to terminate our flesh; may we know God’s authority and fear Him, not daring to overthrow the divine order arranged by God. We see this […]
Participating in Christ’s Wonderful Shepherding to have a Genuine Revival among us

Praise the Lord, we can participate in Christ’s wonderful shepherding so that we may enter into a genuine revival! We all as believers in Christ need to enter into the burden of shepherding people according to God, following the pattern of the apostle Paul, so that we may bring in a new revival that will […]
God’s Move in Man in His Economy is Fulfilled by our Living in the Mingled Spirit

In His economy, God is moving not only among men but also in man to deify man for the fulfilment of His economy to have His corporate expression; by living in the mingled spirit, we fulfill God’s economy. The key is the mingled spirit, for when we live, walk, and do everything in the mingled […]
Our Heart is Deceitful and our Nature is Evil but God can write His Law of Life on us

In Jeremiah God exposes what we are in our fallen condition: our heart is deceitful above all things, even incurable, and our fallen nature is unchangeable. Just as the Cushite cannot change his skin nor the leopard his spots, so we who are accustomed to doing evil cannot simply change ourselves to do good. The […]
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Natural Affection and are Separated from Death

As the Nazarites of today, we need to remain in our separation to be holy to God, overcome natural affection, and be separated from death in any of its forms. In Num. 6 we see that God has made a provision for all His people who want to serve Him that they would consecrate themselves […]