In the New Testament all believers are both priests and Levites, and all our service should be under the supervision of the inward, spiritual view of the New Testament priesthood. In the Old Testament those who served God were of two classes – Levites (who did more practical things, serving the tabernacle and the priesthood, […]
As Priests and Levites we Enjoy God and Minister Christ while doing Practical Things
Our Holy Service in the Church is Based on Life under the Divine Administration

This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers we come to the matter of the Service of the Priests and the Levites for God’s move, a crystal in this book which is mainly based on Numbers 3; in the church life today we have a holy service. There are three main sections […]
Being Constituted with Christ to be Consecrated to God and Ordained by Him as Priests

As we return to the Crystallization-Study of the book of Leviticus (part 2), this week we will focus on The Consecration of the Priests, and today in particular we want to see how we need to be constituted with Christ to be consecrated to God and ordained by Him as priests. Praise the Lord, we […]
Cooperating with the Lord to Recover the New Testament Priesthood of the Gospel

We need to be one with the Lord and cooperate with Him to recover the New Testament priesthood of the gospel, bringing every member of the Body into function in his measure in the Body of Christ. The revelation in the Bible concerning us as believers and members of the Body of Christ has been […]
Seeing the Crucial Points of the Lord’s Recovery of the Church in the Present Age

The desire of God’s heart is to gain the church, his corporate expression, but throughout the ages the church has become degraded; we need to see the crucial points of the Lord’s recovery of the church in the present age. The Lord has been working through the ages to recover His people back to His […]
The Need for the Recovery of the Priesthood among us: All Believers are Priests!

Starting from today for 8 weeks we will be enjoying a very precious yet neglected matter in the Bible, the Priesthood for God’s building. No matter how much we have been in the church life and have known the Lord, we need a recovery of the priesthood with us, in us, and among us. The […]