the Spirit with our spirit is the secret of participating in God’s dynamic salvation

We can be Christians for many years and only “accidentally touch our spirit”, not knowing that we have a mingled spirit and that the Lord as the Spirit is joined to our spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). We need to pray that the Lord would enlighten us to see and know our mingled spirit – the divine Spirit joined to and mingled with our human spirit – so that we may enter into the intrinsic significance of God’s dynamic salvation in Christ (Rom. 8:2; 2 Cor. 13:14; Acts. 26:18; Eph. 1:13-14). If we know our spirit, we will refuse to live, do anything or go anywhere apart not in our spirit! The Christian life is altogether a matter of living and being in our spirit! [read more online about the importance of our mingled spirit]

learning to live our human life by the divine life in our mingled spirit (Romans 8)

Many believers and unbelievers alike want to live a perfect life, even “an angel life”, a virtuous life, and they do their best to improve themselves, perfect their living, abstain from certain things, refrain from saying things, etc… Because we fail so many times in doing this, we may ask for the Lord’s help to improve our living, our behavior, and if we succeed, we become proud and selfish about it. O, Lord Jesus, this is such an ensaring matter! It is in our nature as human beings to try to be better, to improve ourselves, and even ask for God’s help to have patience, to be more careful in our speaking, etc. But this is NOT what God desires – God doesn’t want an improved human behavior with an increased self-effort every time. The result of this self-perfecting is pride and a stronger self, which cannot build up the Body! What God desires is that we as human beings would live by the divine life in our spirit. [continue reading concerning this normal divine-human living online]

when we turn to our spirit we are filled with Christ and can be used by Him! (2011 WST)

even if our spirit is small and weak, and our soul is tall and strong, we need to deny our soul so that our mingled spirit may become strong. We should always have a strong inner man, a strong spirit! We need to be willing to be used by God. Our infilling of the Holy Spirit is not only for our nourishment, it is also for us to dispense. This means that we have to preach the gospel to our friends, to overthrow our schools with the word of God – the Lord wants to use us as His stepping stones. If not, then He would just pass us by and turn to another generation to fulfill His Goal. Oh Lord Jesus! Make us all willing! [sharing from a dear sister who attended the Winter School of Truth – read more online]

we need to turn to our spirit and let Jesus work in us! (2011 winter school of truth)

My life often is “divided in two” – in school I usually live by my soul and at the meetings or when I am spending time with Lord, I live by my spirit. This kind of living is not what Christ wants to have in us. He really wants to have a stepping stone – a people that will concentrate their all beings on Him. The Lord chose us – we cannot lose this chance – we have to turn to our spirit all the time – live by our spirit – and let Jesus work in us! Then we will surely be able to say, It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me! This is so amazing! [continue reading this sharing from a young brother – his topmost enjoyment from the Winter School of Truth]

using the keys of the kingdom to lock the subjective gates of Hades and build up the church

Matt. 16:21-26 shows us not only the subjective gates of Hades coming in to frustrate the building up of the church but also the keys of the kingdom of the heavens which lock these doors and release the building up! We need to use the keys of denying our self, losing our soul life, and taking up our cross! Denying the self mainly relates to our mind, since the self is expressed through the mind with its opinions. Taking up the cross is related to taking up the will of God and not our own will. Losing our soul life is related to the enjoyment of the soul, the pleasure – we need to seek God’s pleasure and His enjoyment!

being in the light and guarding ourselves from any lie, vanity, or idols trying to replace God!

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities; all is vanity. “No matter how good, excellent, marvelous, and wonderful a thing may be, as long as it is of the old creation, it is part of the vanity of vanities under the sun” – only the new creation, God mingled with man and man walking in God as the light, is reality!

everything we need, God as the “I AM” is! We can enjoy Him by turning to Him!(Poland camp 2011)

When God called Moses (Exo. 3:14), He revealed his name – He is the “I AM”, the “I am who I am”. Only GOD IS – He is the eternal One, without beginning or end. Everything else: Satan, the world, our problems, our feelings, etc DON’T EXIST! God is, and we are not! There is […]