The Lord has given some gifts to the Body for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ; we need to grow in life unto maturity and be perfected in our function so that we may accomplish our ministry, doing the work of […]
Being Perfected to do the Work of the Ministry unto the Building up of the Body of Christ
Our Personal Ministry is Part of the Unique Corporate Ministry of the New Testament

As believers in Christ enjoying the Lord on the genuine ground of oneness in the proper church life, we have this ministry, and our personal ministry is for the unique corporate ministry of the New Testament; we are ministers having our own portion of the ministry, and the ministry is uniquely one. Amen! May the […]
Gifted Persons Perfect the Saints to Function for the Building up of the Body of Christ

Christ gave gifts to the Body, and the gifted persons perfect the saints, nourishing them according to the tree of life and perfecting them in their function, so that the perfected saints may do the work of the ministry unto the building up of the Body of Christ. It is amazing to realize that […]
Loving the Lord by Doing the Work of the Ministry to Build up the Body of Christ

We need to love the Lord in incorruptibility by doing the work of the ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ; the work of the building up of the Body of Christ, as seen in Eph. 4, is eternal and glorious. Amen! Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians unveils the highest revelation […]
We are being Perfected to Function for the Direct Building up of the Body of Christ

We all need to be perfected to function in our measure for the direct building up of the Body of Christ; when all the saints are perfected by the gifted ones, they will do the work of the ministry, and the Body of Christ is built up. We need to be saved from the wrong […]
The Gifted Members Perfect the Saints so that the Perfected Saints build up the Body

The gifted members of the Body perfect the saints so that the perfected saints would build up the Body of Christ. The way the church is built up intrinsically is through the function of all the perfected members of the Body of Christ; the Lord has given some gifts to the Body for the perfecting […]
A Life that Can Carry Out the Work of the Ministry to Build up the Body of Christ
![A Life that Can Carry Out the Work of the Ministry to Build up the Body of Christ [picture: Eph. 4:32, Forgiving One Another]](
In the first part of chapter 4 of Ephesians we see the organic reality and the intrinsic things related to the work of the ministry (which is the building up of the Body of Christ) and in the second part of the chapter we see a picture of a life that can carry out this […]