In the Lord’s eyes, there is only one ministry – the unique new covenant ministry, the ministry of the New Testament, and we all have a portion in this ministry, having and carrying out our own ministry within and part of the new covenant ministry; one ministry – many ministers! This week we are in […]
Many Ministers have a Part of the Unique New Covenant Ministry for the Body of Christ
Pray ourselves into God to be Filled with the Spirit and Flow out the Spirit to others

As those who are learning to be faithful and prudent slaves feeding the Lord’s folks until He comes, we need to be sons of fresh oil who are continually being filled with Spirit and flow out the Spirit for the shining of the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus! Amen! In Matt. 24 the Lord […]
Being Sons of Oil Filled with and Flowing out the Spirit for the Testimony of Jesus

For the rebuilding of the temple of God, we need to be sons of oil, that is, we need to be filled with the Spirit for the building up of the church, and we need to flow out the Spirit as the golden oil into others for the church. Amen! As those who are […]
Loving the Lord under the Genuine Ministry to Enjoy Him as Grace and be His Testimony

May we be those who are loving the Lord under the genuine ministry that betroths us to Christ so that we may enjoy Him as grace and become His testimony on earth! Paul’s blessing at the end of his epistle to the Ephesians foreshadows a problem that would arise later in Ephesus: the love […]
When we Love the Lord and Enjoy Him as the Tree of Life, we Shine as His Testimony

When we give the Lord Jesus the preeminence in all things and recover the loss of the first love, we enjoy Him as the tree of life and shine with Him to be the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus. Amen! Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life and life […]
Being Saved from this evil age by Working out our Salvation and Building the Corporate Christ

For us to be saved from this crooked and perverse generation, we need to build up the corporate Christ, the church, as the ark for our salvation and the salvation of those under our care; in the church life we’re building up the church as our salvation from this evil age. Many believers are wondering […]
Characteristics of the Unique Ministry of the New Testament, the Ministry of the Age

The Lord’s recovery brings us back to the unique ministry of the New Testament; this ministry has many wonderful characteristics, and the issue of being under such a ministry is that we are betrothed to the Lord Jesus, we are for the building up of the Body, we are sanctified, we function in our measure, […]