When we enter into the sanctuary of God, have honest conversations with God, and even pour out our heart and complain before God, we open our being and He has a way to work Himself into us a little more and conform us to the image of Christ. As believers in Christ who love […]
Enter into the Sanctuary of God and have Honest Conversations with God to Gain God
God’s Work of Stripping and Consuming leads to being Rebuilt with God and Gaining God

God’s intention is that we would be persons living in the heavenly vision and the reality of God’s economy; we, however, may be contented with what we are, so He carries out the work of stripping and consuming to tear us down so that He may usher us into a deeper seeking after God to […]
Enter the Sanctuary of God in our Spirit and the Church Meetings to Know God’s Will

In the meetings of the church God makes His will known to us; many wonderful things happen under the surface in the meetings, and when we enter the sanctuary of God, we know God’s will, receive the divine revelation, and God’s way becomes clear to us. If we realize that the will of God is […]
In the Divine Light in Church Meetings we Clearly see God’s Administration and His Move

The seven lamps of the golden lampstand are the seven Spirits before God’s throne, the seven lamps of fire burning before God’s throne, showing us that the seven lamps are related to God’s move and administration. We have seen our need to light the lamps in the Holy Place, which is related to our being […]
The Desire of God’s Heart is Fulfilled when His Glory Fills the Tabernacle, the Church

This is our last week in the Crystallization-Study of Exodus, and the topic we are enjoying is, The Erecting of the Tabernacle and the Tabernacle, the Cloud, and the Glory being a Full Type of the Triune God (based on Exo. 40, the last chapter of Exodus, where we see the desire of God’s heart […]
We see the Divine Light when we are in our Spirit and in the Church, God’s Sanctuary

As believers in Christ we are priests of God, and it is our function as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, that is, walk in the light and cause the divine light to ascend as we meet with the saints. We need to realize that we are a holy people, we have […]
being the seekers of God who care for nothing but gaining God and obtaining God
It is not a matter of “keeping the law”, “doing the right thing and not the wrong thing”, “being good and not being evil” – all these belong to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a matter of enjoying God, seeking God, obtaining God, and even possessing God as our everything. God wants us to experience Him and enjoy Him to the extent that we honestly and genuinely say, “Lord, I don’t care for anything but the tree of life – I don’t care for anything other than God Himself”. This is what the psalmist experienced, enjoyed, and spoke about when he wrote Psalm 73. [read more online]