Everything shall live, Death is Healed, and Life Grows where the River of life Flows

Praise the Lord, everything shall live where the river of life flows from the house of God! This river produces trees with fruits, a lot of fish, and cattle, and this river waters and heals for the producing of life. As long as we have this river, our death is healed and everything shall live. […]

God’s move is in man today, and the flow of life out of the house of God is for God’s glory

Athanasius said concerning Christ, He was made man that we might be made God, and he also said, The Word was made flesh… that we, partaking of His Spirit, might me deified. This is how God moves on earth – God moves in man and through man, doing nothing apart from man. God moves in man to deify man, making man the same as God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah, we are in this process of being deified as we allow God to move in us! [continue reading online]