We need to redeem the time to enjoy Christ as the supreme preciousness of God so that we can be constituted with Him to be men of preciousness, even preciousness itself, to be His personal treasure, the New Jerusalem as a miraculous structure of treasure for God’s glory for eternity! Amen! Our Christ is […]
Enjoy Christ as the Supreme Preciousness of God to become Men of Preciousness to God
Based on the Blood of Christ, God Forgives and Forgets our Sins and we Fellowship with God

Praise the Lord, God is propitious to our unrighteousnesses and He forgives and forgets our sins according to the new covenant, based on the blood of Christ! And the more He forgives us, the more we love Him and fear Him, for He forgives and forgets our sins, erasing them from His memory! Praise the […]
Having a Personal Time and a Corporate Time of Enjoying the Lord in the Morning
God is Inwardly Recovering us on Behalf of His Name by Cleansing us with His Blood

The Lord is inwardly recovering us, His people (see Ezek. 35-36), and for this inward recovery, He acts on behalf of His holy name, and He applies His judicial redemption to them for their being cleansed with the precious blood of Christ. Before He can inwardly recover us, however, He pronounces and carries out His […]
The Precious Blood of Christ Redeemed us, and now we Enjoy His Precious Promises!

Christ is all-inclusive and all-extensive, and to God He is everything: He is the centrality and universality of God’s economy, He’s the Father’s Beloved, He is the center of the Father’s plan, and He is the Head of the Body, the church. Christ is supremely precious, excellent, and all-inclusive, and we as believers in Christ […]
The Blood of the Covenant is Primarily for God to be our Portion for our Enjoyment

What is the blood of the covenant, and what it is its importance and application to our Christian life? All believers know that the Lord Jesus shed His blood for us on the cross, and all genuine Christians appreciate and treasure the precious blood of Christ. But what about “the blood of the covenant”? When […]
The Blood of Christ Brings us to God to Enjoy Him, Eat Him, Drink Him, and Serve Him

Just as Moses took the blood from the sacrifices and sprinkled it to enact the old covenant of the law, so the Lord Jesus shed His blood to enact the new covenant in His blood. The Lord Jesus was God manifested in the flesh, and in Him there was no sin, corruption, or sign of […]