May the Lord have mercy on us that we would not serve Him in our natural strength and ability but in the resurrected ability; may we learn to contact the Lord, depend on Him, live in spirit, and trust in Him, not in our natural ability, and may we serve Him in resurrection in […]
Serve God by the Resurrected Ability and let the Cross Deal with the Natural Ability
Seeing the Difference between Natural Ability and Resurrected Ability in Serving God

We need to see the difference between the natural ability and the resurrected ability, for our natural being and natural ability are impotent and insufficient in the things of God, for He accepts only the manifestations of the ability of the maturity of life. Solomon was a man full of natural ability, but he […]
Our Natural Ability needs to be Dealt with by the Cross to be Useful in Resurrection

According to the principle in the holy Word of God, our natural strength and ability need to be dealt with by the cross to become useful in resurrection for our service to the Lord. We may have a certain ability or capacity, and we may have love for the Lord and zeal to do His […]
Seeing the Principle of Babylon and being Saved from Human Endeavor and Hypocrisy

This week in our deeper study of the recovery of the church we come the matter of the degradation of the church – the principle of Babylon and the way to overcome it. As those who have been shown mercy by the Lord to be in the Lord’s recovery today, we are not in Babylon, […]
Serving God by Burning in Spirit with the Fire of God’s Life, not with Strange Fire

As believers in Christ, we should live according to the principle of the tree of life, that is, we should depend on the Lord. In God’s eyes the greatest sin is independence; doing things for God or in God’s name yet without God’s living presence is declaring independence from God, and God does not appreciate […]
Being Mysteriously Transferred into the Realm of Resurrection for God’s Building

We all know the Lord’s word in John 12:24 where He says that unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone – but if it dies, it bears much fruit. When the Lord Jesus came with the kingdom of God, He established a different principle of serving God and […]
Our Natural Ability Must be Brought Into Resurrection to Become Useful to the Lord

Paul’s aspiration in Phil. 3:10-11 was to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, … if perhaps he would attain to the out-resurrection from the dead. He wanted to gain Christ and to be fully brought into resurrection. As believers in Christ we need to have a deep realization that our entire natural being […]