The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected God-men who live by the divine life in resurrection, and this reality is the mingling living of the believers in union with the Triune God. Wow! The reality of the Body of Christ has nothing to do with our old creation, […]
The Reality of the Body is the Corporate and Mingling Living in Oneness with God
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ as the Mingling of God and Man

The Body of Christ is the mingling of God and man, and the way for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ is to be in the organic union with Christ in our mingled spirit. The Lord Jesus told us that He is the vine and we are the branches, so […]
The Church is an Organism, so we all are being Perfected to Function in the Body

The practice of the God-ordained way to meet and serve comes out of our seeing that the church is an organism as a mingling of God and man, produced by the Triune God in his Divine Trinity. We thank and praise the Lord for showing us the light and revelation regarding the scriptural way to […]
Having a Foretaste of the City with Twelve Gates – New Jerusalem – in the Church Life

Both Ezekiel and Revelation end with a city with twelve gates, which is Jerusalem (in Ezekiel) and the New Jerusalem (in Revelation). The result and consummation of what God has been doing with and in His people is a city with twelve gates – the city of Jerusalem, a type of the kingdom of God. […]
God’s Purpose is to have a Building as a Mingling of Himself with His Chosen People

This week in the morning revival we come to the last section of Ezekiel which focuses on God’s building; God’s eternal purpose is to have a building as a mingling of Himself with His chosen people, and all He does on earth is for His building. From the very beginning, when He created man, God […]
The Church is the Mingling of God and Man, the Enlargement of Christ as the God-man

The church is the mingling of God and man; the church is nothing else but God mingled with man, and the nature of the church is the mingling of God with man. According to our natural and fallen concept, when we think of the church we merely consider that we are sinners saved by God, […]
Christian Life is a life of Changing Death into Life for the Building up of the Body

God desires to gain a building, a habitation, a mutual dwelling place of God and man; Christ came to be the mingling of God with man, and in His resurrection He enlarged God’s building to include all those who believe into Him; He’s changing death into life in our being for the building up of […]