According to the Bible, the man-child fulfils God’s purpose and defeats His enemy to bring in the kingdom of God on earth. The man-child is composed of the overcomers who stand on behalf of the church, take the position of the church, and do the work of the church to fight the enemy and […]
The Man-child Fulfils God’s Purpose and Defeats His Enemy to bring in His Kingdom
Trust in God to be the Man-child, the Stronger Part of God’s People, the Overcomers

Because the church has not attained to God’s purpose, God will choose a group of overcomers who will attain to His purpose and fulfill His demand; this is the principle of the man-child, and this man-child includes not only Christ as the unique overcomer but all the overcomers together with Him. Hallelujah, we can […]
The Hannah Ministry: Pray for the Man-child to Bring in the Kingdom with Christ as the King

The first book of Samuel for a ministry that brings in the King with His kingdom; we may call this “the Hannah ministry”, which is different from the ministry of Peninah, for it is through the ministry of such like Hannah that the King with the kingdom can be brought in. Amen! In particular, […]
Becoming Part of the Man-child being Brought Forth to Defeat Satan and End this Age

Within the church God is producing a stronger part, the man-child, who will carry out His judgment on the enemy and will end the age to bring in the age of the kingdom; we want to be part of the man-child by being the overcomers the Lord needs today. In Genesis 3:15, after man fell, […]
Becoming the Man-Child by being Inwardly Strengthened and by Pray-Reading the Word

The first major covenant God made with man can be seen in Gen. 3:15, where God came in after the fall of man and preached the gospel by promising that the seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent. Instead of rebuking Adam and Eve for what they did, God preached the […]
The Promise of the Seed of the Woman destroying Satan’s Head: Christ and His Overcomers

Our God is a covenanting God, and we are His covenanted people. Throughout the Bible we see God making covenants with His people; His covenants reveal His desire toward man. The Bible is a book of the revelation of God’s desire toward man. God expresses His desire toward man in a covenant as a way […]
The Church as the Testimony of Jesus is the Firstfruits and the Harvest in Rev. 14

In the book of Revelation we see the consummation of all that God has been doing throughout the ages, and in it we see a revelation of Jesus Christ (the Word of God) and the church (the testimony of Jesus). The church as the testimony of Jesus is first revealed as being the seven golden […]