The Hannah Ministry: Pray for the Man-child to Bring in the Kingdom with Christ as the King

 The first book of Samuel for a ministry that brings in the King with His kingdom; we may call this “the Hannah ministry”, which is different from the ministry of Peninah, for it is through the ministry of such like Hannah that the King with the kingdom can be brought in. Amen! In particular, […]

Being Vitalized to be Zion, the Group of Overcomers who Answer the Lord’s Call in this age

 What the Lord is after today is Zion, the group of overcomers as the reality of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem; we need to be vitalized to answer the Lord’s call and be produced as the overcomers of today in the local churches. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]

Casting the Resurrected Christ in our Bitter Situations makes the Bitter Waters Sweet

After crossing the Red Sea, the children of Israel traveled for three days through the wilderness and found no water; then, they got to Marah, but the waters there were bitter, and they murmured against Moses, and Moses cried out to God. God showed Moses a tree, which he cast into the waters and they became […]