Christ will return to smash the human government and bring in God’s kingdom

When the Body of Christ is built up sufficiently, the Bride of Christ is prepared for the Lord’s return, and He will come to rapture His overcoming ones. After the overcomers are raptured, there will be the 1000 years wedding feast with the Bridegroom and the Bride. After the wedding feast, the Bridegroom and the […]

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

The last six psalms are called, The Hallelujah Psalms, because they all start and finish with the word, Hallelujah! They offer a consummate praise to God for all He has done and for all that He is to His people. When the earth is fully recovered by God and is being brought under the reign […]

God will recover His full title and right over the earth through Christ’s reign

In psalm after psalm we see how God’s intention is clearly to recover the earth and bring it under His rule – read how Psalms 2-22 and Psalms 24-89 show us that Christ will possess the earth and will rule through the church over the whole earth. The subject of the Psalms can be incapsulated […]

the desire of God’s heart is set on Zion with Christ – will you be an overcomer?

The key to becoming an overcomer is to give the Lord the preeminence, the first and best love! Loving the Lord, eating the Lord, and being His testimony (see Rev. 2) go together – this is the key to being an overcomer! We are not the super-giants spiritually (Rev. 3:8), but we have little power and don’t deny His name! It is out of the mouths of babes and sucklings that God has established praise (Psa. 8). Will You be an overcomer? AMEN! Will YOU make this choice? AMEN! Lord, make me an overcomer! [continue reading this sharing inspired from message 3 in the recent training on the Psalms]

the way to build up the church as the kingdom of God is death and resurrection

What is the way to build up the church? As revealed by the Lord in Matt. 16:16-18 and then in 21-26, the way the church is built up in a practical way is through death and resurrection. The Lord Jesus builds up the church through His death and resurrection – if He would have not died on the cross for us and if He would have not resurrected, there would be no church. It is the same with us today – if we do not die to ourselves and if we don’t live the resurrection life in the church life, we do not build up the church. [continue reading this article online]

having a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom by growing in the divine life

The Bible clearly says that if we are faithful to grow unto maturity and live the kingdom life today we will receive a reward from the Lord at His coming, but if we do not grow and develop now, we will receive a dispensational punishment. Let us look at the reward and run forward with endurance – let us live in the reality of the kingdom today by allowing the divine life to rule and reign in us! If today we live in our spirit, in the reality of the kingdom life, we will be rewarded by the Lord at His coming with a rich entrance into the manifestation of His kingdom! It is then that we will inherit the kingdom of God, who will be our reward. [continue reading this portion online]

the reality of the church life today is the kingdom of God in this age

Praise the Lord, the church life today has as its reality the kingdom of God, but by simply “being in the genuine church life” we may not necessarily be in the kingdom of God. We are in the kingdom in reality only when we live and walk by the spirit (Gal. 5:25). If we live, walk, behave, and have our being in ourselves as the old creation, we are not in reality in the kingdom of God even though outwardly we may be in the church life. Only when we live, walk, behave, and have our entire being altogether in our spirit are we in the church as the kingdom of God! [continue reading online]