In God’s economy God wants that Christ would be our all in all – He is faithful to call us into the fellowship of His Son (1 Cor. 1:9). But for Christ to be our all we need that all we have and are in our natural man would be stripped away. We are full of ourselves, so natural, and with no element of Christ in us – we need to be reorganized, reconstituted, and remodelled with God! This is why God allows things to happen in our life, things that are not so pleasant or sweet, so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and may enjoy Him only! He wants to strip us of our idols, our ambition, our self-confidence, and our self-sufficiency, that we may enjoy Him! [continue reading online and leave your comment / portion of enjoyment]
having a sweeter experience of the house of God as we experience God’s faithfulness
desolation comes in when God’s people do not properly appreciate and exalt Christ
Our failure to give Christ the first place in all things – our failure to love Him with the best love and appreciate Him – brings in desolation and degradation. The problem of desolation can be solved by Christ being appreciated and exalted by God’s people (see Psa. 80:17). When Christ is enjoyed, appreciated, given the first place, given the preeminence in all things – when He is properly appreciated and exalted, the house and the city of God can be maintained, preserved, and built up! Our not giving Christ the preeminence and our not appreciating Him is the cause of our failure and desolation. [read more online]
the secret revelation concerning the enjoyment of Christ as the incarnated Triune God
The tabernacle is not just a picture of the church life, but it is the Triune God for us to enter into, to partake of, and to enjoy! The entire Triune God was incarnated to become the enterable and enjoyable God for man to enter into God and enjoy God. And God’s incarnation is NOT a One Instant Event – it continues throughout the entire New Testament age, until it reaches the New Jerusalem, the eternal universal tabernacle! Every time man is regenerated God is incarnated! Every time we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we become the incarnated God – God dwells in man and is expressed in man! [continue reading this sharing from message 2 of the winter training on the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]
God’s move is in man today, and the flow of life out of the house of God is for God’s glory
Athanasius said concerning Christ, He was made man that we might be made God, and he also said, The Word was made flesh… that we, partaking of His Spirit, might me deified. This is how God moves on earth – God moves in man and through man, doing nothing apart from man. God moves in man to deify man, making man the same as God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah, we are in this process of being deified as we allow God to move in us! [continue reading online]
The Flow of Life with the Ministry of Life out of and for the Magnificent House of God (1)
After we have been measured and possessed by the Lord, then the river causes everything to live and even heals the waters of the Dead Sea (47:8-10, 12). What an abundance of life flows out—living creatures swarming, very many fish, and trees that bring forth new fruit every month! “Everything shall live wherever the river comes!”
how lovely is the church, God’s dwelling place! We love being in God’s house, enjoying His presence!
The book of Psalms starts with the psalmists appreciating and uplifting the law (see Psa. 1), but God turns them again and again towards Christ – God’s heart’s desire, the precious One, the most lovely One, and the One anointed by God (see Psa. 2, 8, 16, 23, and 24). What a wonderful Christ! But […]
Christ, the house of God, the city of God, and the earth: the main points of the book of Psalms!
It is so easy to read the Psalms and take them in an outward, natural way, for our comfort and our encouragement… but if we do this, we fail to see what the Psalms really reveal. In the Psalms there are four major words being developed and spoken of: Christ, the house, the city, and […]