The goal of the Lord’s recovery and the unique goal of God in this age is to bring forth the one new man who fulfills God’s purpose to express God and represent Him. This is God’s goal from eternity to eternity related to man, and when He gains a corporate new man that expressed Him […]
God’s Goal and our Goal in the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the One New Man
The Church is the One New Man to Fulfill God’s Purpose to Express and Represent God

The highest definition of the church is that the church is the one new man, and for this new man we all need to take Christ as our person. We may know that the church is the household of God and we are the many members of this divine-human household, and we may enjoy the […]
Our Urgent Need is to see a Governing and Controlling Vision of the One New Man

In these last days of this age, before the Lord is able to return, we all must see the vision of the one Body of Christ and in particular the vision of the one new man, and this vision must control us and direct us toward God’s destination. We need to realise that the Lord’s […]
Being Saturated with Christ for the One New Man who will Usher in the Kingdom of God

The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man, for the one new man will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the King, back to the earth. God created man in His image and likeness, and He ordained that this man would express Him and represent […]
The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the One New Man to End this Age

God desires to gain the church as the Body of Christ to be the one new man, and the goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man. But if we look at ourselves, at the local church where we meet, and at the country we are in, can we say […]
The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the New Man, a Full-Grown Corporate Man

Due to the degradation of the church in general, today the Lord has a recovery – He desires to recover His people to what was there in the beginning. In His recovery, the Lord’s goal is the same as His original purpose – He wants to gain a full-grown corporate man who expresses Him and […]