The Divine Trinity is the framework of the entire Bible, and especially the book of Ephesians is constructed with the Divine Trinity. The Bible has many books and speaks of many things, touching many subjects and dealing with many issues, but the framework of the Bible is the Triune God dispensing Himself into His […]
The Divine Trinity is the Framework of the Entire Bible – Especially of Ephesians
The Revelation of the Triune God in the Bible is for the Dispensing of God into Man

The revelation concerning the Triune God in the Bible is not for doctrinal understanding but for the dispensing of God in His Divine Trinity into His chosen and redeemed people for their experience and enjoyment; this is the governing principle in the holy word of God. This week we come to the fifth week […]
The Threefold Blessing of the Triune God for the Dispensing of Himself into Man

May the Lord unveil us to see the threefold blessing of the Triune God for the dispensing of Himself into us. The Triune God as our blessing is dispensing Himself into us by means of the love of God as the source, the grace of the Lord Jesus as the course, and the fellowship […]
The Church is an Organism, so we all are being Perfected to Function in the Body

The practice of the God-ordained way to meet and serve comes out of our seeing that the church is an organism as a mingling of God and man, produced by the Triune God in his Divine Trinity. We thank and praise the Lord for showing us the light and revelation regarding the scriptural way to […]
Jehovah Bless you, Keep you, Shine on You, be Gracious to you, and Give you Peace!

The real blessing is God Himself; blessing is not a thing but a Person – God in Christ as the Spirit to be everything to us for our enjoyment. When Jacob blessed his sons, God blessed them. In Numbers 6:22-27 we see a pattern of blessing – God commanded the priests to bless the people, […]
Seeing the Church as a Corporate Thornbush Burning with the God of Resurrection

The vision of the burning thornbush impressed Moses and stayed with him throughout his life, so that at the end of his life as he was speaking his departing words and he was blessing the children of Israel he said, ….With the choicest things of the earth, and the fullness thereof, and the favor of […]
the focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is the Divine Trinity for the divine dispensing
What is the focus of all the 22 epistles in the New Testament? Have you ever considered that there’s something deeper in the Epistles, like an underlying structure, a focus? I personally haven’t, to be honest, but by enjoying the morning revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, especially week two, I have been so impressed with this… The focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is not doctrines, teachings, Christianity, working for God, outward practices, etc – the focus of the Epistles is the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing! [read online a comprehensive list of verses in the Epistles clearly showing us the Triune God dispensing Himself into man!]