For us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to experience the work of the cross for the Body and in the Body; the cross leads to the Body and operates in the sphere of the Body. We have seen the highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of […]
The Cross Leads to the Body; the Work of the Cross Consummates in the Body of Christ
The Experience of the Cross bring us into a Deeper Fellowship in the Body of Christ

In order for us to deal with any obstacles to the fellowship, the circulation of the divine life, we need to experience the cross, for the experience of the cross deepens both the vertical and the horizontal fellowship, and it enables us to know the life of the Body and live in the fellowship of […]
Allowing the Razor of the Cross to Deal with the Many Aspects of Our Leprous Self

When we see the Body of Christ, we will also see the self as the greatest enemy of the Body. For us to have the Body of Christ in reality, the self needs to be denied and rejected. But what does it mean to deny the self? What is the self? The Bible has a […]
the experience of the cross deepens both our horizontal and our vertical fellowship in the divine life

These days we are enjoying many portions in the Bible regarding the fellowship of the divine life, which is the fellowship of the Spirit, the fellowship of the apostles, and the fellowship in spirit. This fellowship has two aspects: the horizontal aspect (between us and the other believers) and the vertical aspect (between us and the Triune […]
The Body of Christ is Jesus living again in His members on earth – God mingled with man and living in man!

When we really touch the meaning of what the Body of Christ is, we will be changed in our entire being. The Body of Christ is a reality that affects our whole being once we see it! I really enjoyed the second message in the conference we just had last weekend in Holland, entitled, The […]
The Will of God – One Person (the all-inclusive, extensive Christ), One Way (the cross), and One Goal (the Body of Christ)

This weekend I was so impressed with the will of God, as expounded in the conference I recently attended. Here is some enjoyment from this conference. The will of God is God’s will – it is about God, His heart’s desire from eternity – to have Christ expressed through many people as His Body. God’s […]