We need to see a vision of the church as the Body of Christ and the one new man, and we need to take Christ as our life and person. There is one Body and one new man, and the church as the Body of Christ is the one new man to accomplish His purpose; […]
Seeing a Vision of the Body and the New Man and taking Christ as our Life and Person
The New Man is a Corporate Warrior Empowered in the Lord and Putting on the Armor of God

The one new man is a corporate warrior fighting against God’s enemy; the church as the one new man fights the spiritual warfare by being empowered in the Lord and by putting on the armor of God to defeat Satan, the enemy of God. The matter of the one new man touches something deep and […]
The Church as the One New Man Fulfills the Twofold Purpose of God in Creating Man

The church as the one new man is the corporate man in God’s intention in creating man, and this new man will fulfill the twofold purpose of expressing God and fighting God’s enemy to bring in His kingdom. When God created man in His image and according to His likeness, He stated His intention: He […]
We’re Being made Christ for the Body of Christ to Live Christ and Express Him Together

The purpose of us believers being members one of another in the Body is that we would live Christ express Him together, and for this to happen, we must be made Christ for the Body of Christ. Hallelujah for the Body of Christ, the continuation and extension of Christ on the earth today! Christ is […]
The Church as the New Man is Dealing with Satan to Fulfill God’s Eternal Purpose

The church as the new man fulfills God’s eternal purpose to express God and represent Him; dealing with Satan is for the benefit of God and satisfies God’s need. The first man, Adam, who was created in the image of God and according to His likeness, has failed God – he failed to express God […]
The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man: God wants us to Exercise His Dominion

Our God wants us to exercise His dominion on earth by participating in the spiritual warfare of the church as the one new man. God’s intention in His creation of man is for man to express Him and represent Him; He wants man in particular to represent God by having dominion over all things and […]
God’s Goal and our Goal in the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the One New Man

The goal of the Lord’s recovery and the unique goal of God in this age is to bring forth the one new man who fulfills God’s purpose to express God and represent Him. This is God’s goal from eternity to eternity related to man, and when He gains a corporate new man that expressed Him […]