Love Prevails! There was so much that made a strong impression on me during my first NACT. One aspect that I enjoyed, in particular, was the process by which the Body builds itself up in love: Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich […]
Love Prevails: Love is the Way for God’s Goal to be Accomplished (2023 NACT)
Love Prevails: We Love because He First Loved Us with His Divine Love (2023 NACT)

Praise the Lord for the North American College Training! It was my first time in the college training and in the USA but it felt like I was at home because of all the saints’ care and love. I was reminded how wonderful Rom. 12:5 is as it says ‘we who are many are one […]
Love Prevails & Holding to Truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT

Following is my sharing about NACT 2023 – Love Prevails & Holding to Truth. Just too enjoyable the college training! Love prevails & holding to truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT Two parallel lines: Love and Truth Love = God; Truth = God; Love = God = Truth Love Importance of love: It is […]
Holding to Truth in Love and Loving the Lord with all our Heart (2023 NACT)

There are two lines to this NACT training – “Love Prevails”, and “Holding to Truth in Love”. In the Bible, we can see that both truth and love are very closely related. Eph. 4:15 speaks of “holding to truth in love”, 1 Cor. 13:6 says that “(love) rejoices with the truth”, and 2 Thes. 2:10 says […]
Enjoying Christ as our Provision, as seen in the book of Exodus (SA students camp summer 2011)
… once we are in the wilderness what should we do? We should not start complaining but rather tell the Lord: “Lord, You are the One that led me here. Lord, I am thirsty. Give me a drink!” Some of us have been in the church life for quite a while and our experience of the Lord is just not rich anymore and we do not understand. We have been eating all these years but not drinking enough! We need to drink! [continue reading this sweet sharing from a student in South Africa from his top enjoyment in a recent student camp]
being a Christian Student on the campus – eating and drinking Christ, and staying in the Body!
As a Christian living in this current age, sometimes we might experience a failure of our spiritual life. Sometimes we might trip and fall a bit. Just remember the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Just remember that even the apostle Paul said “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected” and then the next phrase says, “But I pursue.” Yes! We can pursue! We have the right to pursue our precious Lord! Pursue Him with the saints! Let us forget the things behind, stretch forward to the things before, and pursue toward the goal together to the New Jerusalem. [continue reading this article online]
being a Christian student on the campus: overflow from the students in London top enjoyment
Recently we had a meeting with the Christian students in London, an overflow meeting, something like a end-of-term celebration meeting… “This semester my roommate got saved! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me!” “The best thing we can give the Lord is our time – and there’s no better way to spend our time than being with the Lord” [read more testimonies online]