Prophets are God’s spokesmen; their function is to speak for God, speaking forth God by God’s revelation and not speaking of themselves. This week in our Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy we come to the topic of, Christ – the True Prophet Typified by Moses. Five main things that we will see and enjoy is (1) what […]
Prophets are God’s Spokesmen who Speak for God and Speak Forth God by His Revelation
God Desires that All His People would be Prophets, God’s Spokesmen who Speak for God

God’s desire in both the Old and the New Testament was that His people would speak for Him; Moses expressed God’s desire when he said, Oh that all of God’s people would be prophets (Num. 11:29). However, when we speak of the matter of being a prophet, many today think that to prophesy is to […]
Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth
![Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth [in the picture: Newport beach]](
In Micah 5:2 we see Christ’s goings forth from eternity, and in John 1 we see the five greatest events in the history of the universe, all which involve Christ’s goings forth from eternity on the bridge of time and then back into eternity. What is most impressive is that through all these five great […]
speaking the word of God – Blending and Feasting at conferences in Portugal and South Africa
Praise the Lord for His fresh speaking in His recovery across the world! I have had the privilege of attending not just one conference by two conferences these past two weeks! On the 5th March 2011 I attended the conference in Oporto (Villa Nova de Gaia), Portugal, where the general title of the conference was […]
Our God is a Speaking God, and He desires to speak to us, in us, and through us!
Hallelujah, our God is a speaking God! The reason we speak for Him is because He is speaking in us all the time – and He wants us to cooperate with Him! Our God is not a dumb God – He is always speaking, and the highest & greatest speaking of God in the whole […]
for we all can prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged
Hallelujah, we all can and we all should prophesy “one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged” (1 Cor. 14:31)! As believers in the Lord, we are now learning to speak for the Lord and to speak the Lord forth into people – it is a learning process that will take […]
as the constituents of the Vital Groups, we are members of Christ, brothers of Christ, and prophets of God!
On the one hand, the first three items of the constituents of the vital groups are the believers in Christ, the disciples of Christ, and the witnesses of Christ. Furthermore, the next 3 items which are that constituents of vital groups are the members of Christ, the brothers of Christ, and the prophets of God. […]