As believers in Christ, our emphasis in our Christian life and service is not on outward things such as eating, drinking, behavior, or anything of this kind; our emphasis is on Christ, our mingled spirit, the church life, and the Body of Christ. If we pay attention to the intrinsic things such as enjoying the […]
5 Main Ways to Enjoy the Humanity of Jesus in our Christian Life and Church Life
Daily Drinking the Humanity of Jesus to be Jesusly Human in the World for the Church

It will make a great difference in our Christian life and work when we realize that the humanity we should have – the humanity of Jesus – can be ours only by eating and drinking the humanity of Jesus in the Spirit. Too many Christians have endeavoured to “imitate Jesus” and to “live like Jesus” […]
Eating Christ as the Meal Offering in His Word to Live out His Human Living Today

The humanity that we as believers in Christ should have in serving God is the humanity of Christ, which is not merely a perfect humanity but a humanity mingled with divinity; the proper humanity we need in serving God is divinity mingled with humanity for the expressing of the divine attributes in the human virtues. […]
Being Safeguarded in our Humanity through Loving the Lord and His Appearing

As believers in Christ, we are human beings loving the Lord, having His life in our spirit, and living a life to the Lord and no longer to ourselves. However, we are still human beings, and we have a certain humanity – which in some cases may not be that high and uplifted. As we love […]
Christ should be our Humanity, and we need to be Found in Christ in our Daily Living

In serving the Lord we need to have a proper humanity by being found in Christ; the standard of our humanity should not merely be morality and ethics but Christ Himself, the God-man, who lived a life of the highest standard of morality and ethics by expressing God’s attributes through His aromatic human virtues. The […]
7 Major Items of the Excellent Virtues which are Filled with the Divine Attributes

In serving the Lord in the spirit in the gospel of His Son, one of the most important items we need to take care of is our humanity. This week we are getting into the matter of, The Humanity of One who Serves the Lord, to see in the Lord’s light, through His word, and […]
Serving God by Burning in Spirit with the Fire of God’s Life, not with Strange Fire

As believers in Christ, we should live according to the principle of the tree of life, that is, we should depend on the Lord. In God’s eyes the greatest sin is independence; doing things for God or in God’s name yet without God’s living presence is declaring independence from God, and God does not appreciate […]