In Jeremiah God exposes what we are in our fallen condition: our heart is deceitful above all things, even incurable, and our fallen nature is unchangeable. Just as the Cushite cannot change his skin nor the leopard his spots, so we who are accustomed to doing evil cannot simply change ourselves to do good. The […]
Our Heart is Deceitful and our Nature is Evil but God can write His Law of Life on us
Fight the Spiritual Warfare of the Church to Posses and Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

The fighting of the children of Israel against the Canaanites that they might possess and enjoy the good land portrays the invisible spiritual warfare that is taking place behind the visible scene on earth, and it typifies the spiritual warfare of the church against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies. Even before entering […]
Finding Christ as the Living Star by seeing a Living Vision of Christ in the Bible

In Num. 24:17 we see a precious crystal in the book of Numbers – Christ as the living Star – which is fulfilled in Matt. 2:2 and has to be our experience in our Christian life and church life today. In Numbers we see how Moses prophesied that a Sat shall come forth out of […]
The Gospel of the Kingdom must be Preached for All Men to Repent for the Kingdom!

God commands everyone to repent for the kingdom, and we in the church life need to bring the gospel of the kingdom to the whole inhabited earth for a testimony, and then the end will come! The gospel of grace, the gospel of the forgiveness of sins, has been preached throughout the earth; the gospel […]
Serving God in the Principle of the Budding Rod, through Death and Resurrection

This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers we want to see and experience the major types concerning Christ in Numbers, and today in particular we want to see how Aaron’s budding rod typifies the resurrected Christ blossoming and bearing fruit to maturity. Strictly speaking, in the book of Numbers there’s only […]
God Speaks to us in Christ as the Glorious and Shining Place where God Meets with Man

Today God speaks to us in Christ as the place where God meets with man. In Num. 7:89, when Moses went into the Tent of Meeting to speak with God, He heard the voice speaking to him from above the expiation cover that was upon the Ark of the Testimony, from between the two cherubim, […]
Being the Faithful Nazarites who Minister as Priests, Prophets, and Men of Prayer

In the Scriptures there is a contrast between two Nazarites: Samuel and Samson, where Samuel is a positive pattern of a faithful Nazarite, being one who ministered to God and His people as a Nazarite, a prophet, a priest, a judge, and a man of prayer. His mother Hannah lived in the time of Eli […]