In Matthew 16:18 the Lord Jesus spoke the greatest prophecy in the Bible, I will build My church. In 1 Corinthians 14:4 the apostle Paul says something amazing, He who prophesies builds up the church. To prophesy is not merely foretelling the future, but mainly to speak for Christ, to speak forth Christ and to […]
Preparing and Practicing to Prophesy for the Building up of the Church
Being Flexible in Pray-reading, and Enjoying and Sharing the HWMR with the Saints

In regards to practicing the morning revival, my wife and I do not have any forms – we are flexible in pray-reading. We can either pray first or read first and vice versa. That is no rigid way of having our revival. Feelings of satisfaction, joy and cleansing come in after each morning revival time. […]
Being Revived and Mingling our Praying with our Reading to Receive Light!

The night before, I usually pray to the Lord to wake me up in the morning. I don’t usually wake up late, but I still want to ask the Lord to wake me up at specific times in the morning. This is how I started to have a personal time with Him in the morning, […]
Pray-reading the Word of God, Applying it, and desiring Earnestly to Prophesy

Prophesying in the church meetings, i.e. speaking for God and speaking forth God into one another, fulfills the greatest prophecy in the Bible (Matt. 16:18). What constitutes prophesying is not eloquence of speech or brilliance of wit — it is the speaking forth of God Himself into others, which issues in the building up of […]
Coming to the Lord in His Word to make Direct Contact with Jesus in the Morning

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in my experience and from more mature brothers regarding our morning time with the Lord is that in this time our emotions are really of no consequence. If we come to the Lord expecting to feel a particular way then we have missed the mark. We have […]
We are Contacting a Person during our Practice of Morning Revival!

I’ve been considering this matter of giving my testimony concerning having a time with the Lord in the morning revival. First, I have to say that I do feel most unqualified. Concerning morning revival and preparing to prophesy, I feel short in both areas, with much need of improvement. As far as my practice is […]