As we study the vision of the seventy weeks in Daniel 9 in relation to God’s economy, we will experience the shining of the prophetic word as a lamp conveying spiritual light in darkness (2 Pet. 1:19). Under the shining of the prophetic word, we can receive the Lord’s warning and have the proper attitude […]
Actively Waiting for the Lord’s Coming as the Prophetic Word is Made More Firm
Loving the Lord’s Appearing, Watching, and Being Ready for Christ’s Return!

What should our attitude be when we see the vision of the imminent return of Christ? As we see that Christ with His overcoming bride will return as a corporate smiting stone to smash the totality of the human government and become a great mountain to fill the whole earth, we need to be those […]
God Rules For Christ to Have the Preeminence in Us and Be Everything To Us

God’s desire is to give Christ the preeminence in all things – He wants Christ to have the first place in all things (see Col. 1:15, 18). In the old creation, Christ is preeminent – He is the firstborn of all creation. In the new creation, Christ is preeminent – He is the firstborn from […]
the victorious Christ will return to recover the earth when He gains Zion, those fully open to Him!
Before the Lord Jesus can come as the King, He needs to have in all the local churches the reality of Zion – He needs to have His overcomers as His bride ready! In Psalm 51 we see how the goal of our repentance and confession marrying God’s forgiveness is that it amazingly produces a burden for the building up of Zion. The Lord needs to gain Zion, the aspect of the church that is fully open to Him, the overcomers who will hasten His return!
in the local churches God is recovering the practical building up of the church for His return
God’s ultimate intention and His heart’s desire is to gain the earth – for this He must obtain a built-up church to be the house of God(where He could dwell and be expressed fully) and the city of God(where He could rule and reign). Everywhere in the Bible and especially in the Psalms we see […]
Eurotrip with the UCLA students – a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in Europe
The following is a short testimony from brother Dean from the Eurotrip he and the other students from UCLA took in Europe at the end of year 2010. 12 of us, mostly students at UCLA, went on a blending trip to Europe during our winter break this past December. I didn’t really know what to […]