The Lord Jesus Christ, the first God-man and the King of the heavenly kingdom, has commissioned us to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God and teaching them to observe all that Christ has spoken to us. After Christ accomplished His ministry on earth, He entered into the realm of resurrection and, […]
Christ is with us: we have His Authority to Disciple the Nations for the Kingdom of God
Through the Gospel of the Kingdom God Brings People under the Ruling of His Authority
Through the gospel of the kingdom, God brings people under the ruling of the heavenly authority so that they may become His kingdom, those who enjoy all the riches of the divine life as they are being ruled by His authority. The fundamental problem in this universe is rebellion against the authority of God. Man […]
Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to Rescue Men from their Rebellion against God
In this last week on the matter of the Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life we come to, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Discipling All the Nations for the Spread and Development of the Kingdom of God. We are mainly focusing on two portions in […]
Christ is the Reality of the Cities of Refuge: as Mistake-Making Sinners, we Flee to Him!
In Num. 35 we see the cities of refuge, six cities among the cities of the Levites who were assigned to be cities of refuge; these typify the all-inclusive Christ as the embodiment of the redeeming God into whom mistaken sinners can flee for refuge. Today there’s such things as prisons, where the murderers – […]
Our Work in Serving God is a Warfare, and Christ is our Unique Portion and Inheritance
The service of the priests was in nature a spiritual warfare, and the portion of the priests was nothing other than Christ – Christ was their house, inheritance, land, clothing, food, and everything. As believers in Christ we are priests to God; we are a holy priesthood, a royal priesthood, priests to God and to […]
Having Fellowship unto the Gospel with one Soul without Strife by the Spirit of Jesus
The Spirit of Jesus is clearly portrayed in the first two chapters of Philippians; here we see that for us to preach the gospel, have fellowship unto the gospel, and take Christ as our pattern, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus. We may have never considered the matter of the Spirit of Jesus […]
We Experience the Spirit of Jesus to live a Proper Human Life and Endure Sufferings
As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His spreading on earth, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who passed through human living and suffering of death. Such a Spirit both supplied and led the apostles in their cooperation with the Lord for His […]