We need to enjoy the Lord early in the morning, day by day, so that we may be revived and renewed little by little, day by day. As those who love the Lord and are preparing themselves for His return, we need to be renewed day by day, have a renewal that is fresh […]
We need to Enjoy the Lord early in the Morning to be Revived and Renewed Day by day
Being Revived and Mingling our Praying with our Reading to Receive Light!

The night before, I usually pray to the Lord to wake me up in the morning. I don’t usually wake up late, but I still want to ask the Lord to wake me up at specific times in the morning. This is how I started to have a personal time with Him in the morning, […]
Pray-reading the Word of God, Applying it, and desiring Earnestly to Prophesy

Prophesying in the church meetings, i.e. speaking for God and speaking forth God into one another, fulfills the greatest prophecy in the Bible (Matt. 16:18). What constitutes prophesying is not eloquence of speech or brilliance of wit — it is the speaking forth of God Himself into others, which issues in the building up of […]
I’m Still Learning to Contact the Lord and Enjoy Him in His Word in the Morning

My practice of the morning revival time with the Lord is something I’m still learning and even more struggling with. First, I’ve set a specific time and I try stick to it. At this time, I seek a quiet and secluded place to be alone with the Lord, to look into His eyes, to listen […]
Learning and Fighting to be Revived Every Morning in God’s Word

I love the Lord Jesus, therefore I must meet Him every morning. During this personal time with the Lord I am learning that God is good for food and that all Scripture is God-breathed. I contact the Lord every morning by calling on His name. I was led this morning to go to the word […]
We are Contacting a Person during our Practice of Morning Revival!

I’ve been considering this matter of giving my testimony concerning having a time with the Lord in the morning revival. First, I have to say that I do feel most unqualified. Concerning morning revival and preparing to prophesy, I feel short in both areas, with much need of improvement. As far as my practice is […]
Singing the Word in the Morning – Practicing Morning Revival

I would like to share a practice I have been enjoying recently: that is, singing the Word of God in the morning. Psalm 119:147-48 reads “I anticipated the dawn and cried out; I hoped in Your words. My eyes anticipated the night watches, That I might muse upon Your word.” Oftentimes, when I approach this […]