Our Triune God is a God of joy; God is our joy, Christ is our joy, and there is joy in the Holy Spirit, for God wants us to enjoy Him and He gives Himself to us to be our enjoyment in our spirit, soul, and body. Hallelujah, what a wonderful God we have! […]
We have Joy in the Holy Spirit by Living in the Kingdom and being Filled in Spirit
God’s Move on the Earth today is in and through the Church with Christ as the Center

God’s move on the earth today is in the church and through the church, and the church has Christ as its center. Psa. 68 is a typological exposition of Num. 10:35-36, and it reveals Christ as the center of God’s move on the earth; today God is moving in man, and His move is to […]
The Divine Life Flowing in the Divine Nature is our Unique Way in our Daily Life

God is life, and eternal life is God Himself. Apart from God, there is no life, and all life depends on God. However, many times we think that when someone is pious, devoted, has a good behaviour, is moral and ethical, has a gift, is powerful, knows the Bible, is full of activities and zealous […]
the key to our living and service in the Body of Christ depends on the law of the Spirit of life
The Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God has a living and a service which is organic and corporate – all the members of the Body of Christ live together by taking Christ as life (Col. 3:3-4), and also all the members care for one another (1 Cor. 12:25-27). What I realize […]