In order for us to grow in life, we must pay attention to our mingled spirit – we must know our spirit, use our spirit, and exercise our mingled spirit; furthermore, we must feed on the milk and the food of the holy Word, the living Word of God. Today God is recovering the most […]
We must Pay Attention to our Mingled Spirit and Exercise our Spirit to Grow in Life
Gathered into the Lord’s Name, in our Spirit, and with the Cross – the Ground of Oneness

Wherever we may be, when we meet with the saints, we should be gathered into the Lord’s name, in our spirit, and with the cross; this is the ground of oneness, and this keeps us one in the Body of Christ. In Deut. 12 we see a very important principle and ordination from God for […]
Being Mingled with God and Living in the Mingled Spirit for the Reality of the Body

The church as the Body of Christ is a group of people who allow God to be mingled with them and who are mingled with God, and they live in the mingled spirit. This is what God wants to gain today, a group of people who would just allow Him to mingle Himself with them, […]
We Experience the Spirit of Jesus to live a Proper Human Life and Endure Sufferings

As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His spreading on earth, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who passed through human living and suffering of death. Such a Spirit both supplied and led the apostles in their cooperation with the Lord for His […]
Our Spirit is a Mingled Spirit, and we need to Walk According to the Spirit daily

For the inward recovery of His people, God gives us a new heart and a new spirit, and He also puts His Spirit within us; now our spirit is a mingled spirit, and we can and should daily walk according to the spirit. First, in order for Him to come into us, He gives us […]
Living Christ by Living in the Divine and Mystical Realm for God’s Expression

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called “synoptic Gospels”, each presenting a human physical view of Jesus Christ as a Man: He is a King-Savior, a Slave-Savior, and a Man-Savior. Long after these gospels were written, John came to present the Lord Jesus as the God-Savior. John’s gospel is so profound that it […]
Serving God as Priests by Knowing our Spirit and Living in our Mingled Spirit

All the regenerated believers in Christ are priests to God, and the primary matter related to a priest is that he is one who contacts God, is filled with God, is saturated with God, and lives a life in the mingling of God with man. A priest is one who serves God in all his […]