In His ascension Christ was made the High Priest in the heavens to bear us in the presence of God, to care for all our needs, and to offer the incense at the golden altar for the carrying out of God’s administration; Christ was inaugurated into His priestly office in His ascension. What a Christ […]
In His Ascension Christ is our High Priest to Care for our Needs and Intercede for Us
today our Christ is the kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek

In Psalm 110 we see Christ as the King with the scepter (Psa. 110:2) and we also see Him being ordained by God to be priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek (Psa. 110:4). On the one hand, Christ is the King with the sceptre to rule over the earth, manage our affairs, and […]
Christ is the Author of our salvation and the Merciful and Faithful High Priest!(Christ in Hebrews)
Christ is everything in God’s economy, and He is the Father’s beloved Son – all that God has the best and cares for the most is just Christ! This Christ is all-inclusive! In the Epistle to the Hebrews we see that Christ is the Author of our salvation (Heb. 2:10), the merciful and faithful High […]
Christ human life qualified Him to be our High Priest – now, He understands us thoroughly!
In order for the Lord Jesus to accomplish redemption for us, He had to be incarnated. It was as a man in the flesh that He was able to accomplish our judicial redemption. But, why didn’t He just become incarnated as a grown-man, maybe giving Himself a few years to perform some miracles and call […]
we need to be those who respond to His heavenly ministry: He always intercedes for us!

Many people, and even many Christians, think that now that the Lord Jesus accomplished such a great work on the earth, He is in the heavens resting and waiting for us to go to Him after we die… or maybe preparing a place (like “building a house”) for all His believers. Though there are some […]
Christ as our High Priest cares for us in love, but He especially cares for God’s need

In the Old Testament, the High Priest had the names of the tribes of Israel inscribed on the two onyx stones on his shoulders and also on the twelve stones set in the golden breastplate he wore (Exo. 28:9-12). Whenever he went into the Holy of Holies, he brought the people of Israel to God, […]