The ministry of reconciliation is the ministry of reconciling the world to Christ through the forgiveness of sins for their judicial redemption, and the reconciling of the believers to Christ that they may be persons who live in the spirit for their organic salvation. Hallelujah, we have been entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation: God […]
By the Ministry of Reconciliation we’re Reconciled to God Further and we Shepherd others
Rejecting any Traditional Way and taking the Scriptural Way to Meet by Living in Spirit

For the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to practice the scriptural way to meet and to serve, and we need to give up and forsake any traditional way in Christianity which may still influence us. First of all, we need to realize that we are the Body of Christ, and together […]
Living in the Spirit to Overcome any Deadness and be Clothed in White Garments

To the one who overcomes in the church in Sardis the Lord promises to give him to be clothed in white garments, and He will not erase his name out of the book of life, and He will confess his name before His God and before His angels (Rev. 3:5). To have white garments means […]
Serving God in our Spirit in the Gospel of His Son, the Subjective Gospel of Christ

This morning while enjoying the Lord in His word with the help of the ministry of the age I was touched with the fact that our priesthood of the gospel is a matter in our mingled spirit. Paul told us that God is his witness how he serves God as a priest in his spirit […]
A Priest is a Person who Serves in Newness of Spirit and Ministers to the Lord

This week we have been both enjoying and prayerfully studying the definition of a priest: what is a priest according to the Bible, and how can we be priests to God today. Christ Himself is the High Priest, and the way for us to be priests is to have Christ reproduced in us. A priest, […]